I’ve imported 2 spreadsheets of stories (Faction Paradox stuff and Time Hunter books) and done lots of other little tasks, going to work on the Quotes backlog and add some Future Releases too. Lots to catch up on!!
Is there anything the rest of us can do to make it easier for you on the technical side? Like getting data into a format that’s easier to import or something?
There’s a Google Sheet you can access and fill out with information on stories that are still missing. Shauny imports all information directly from the sheet to the site.
Sent out an email newsletter! First one in about 3 months, was really slacking there.
One of the reasons I’d not sent any was because I built my own email marketing thing and it was actually a bit of a pain to use, so in the end I just decided to try a third party one. Much easier
Also I felt like I didn’t have a lot to say - most of the updates have been quite small.
Tweaked the site’s favicons, which weren’t showing great in different browsers. Should be more uniform now (added a background colour - I prefer it without, but then that only works in certain situations).
Also the iOS icons are a bit better - the icon isn’t as big, and is more visually centred. Delete and re-create your phone bookmarks!
I see. I have not yet been able to transfer to Mastodon. I mainly use Twitter for Swedish Football stuff and that crowd has not made a move to other platforms.
The actual work I’ve done isn’t ready for prime time yet, but it’s been putting things into place - soon a big update to Sets is coming, it will have a new index page with search, filters, and sorting options, and statistics on things like how many people are tracking the set, have completed it, and average ratings. Excited for this one, it will help discoverability of stories going forward.
That comic helped me understand at least (I have zero knowledge or experience of coding). The upcoming update sounds great, as always! Everything begins with baby steps, and remember that a small step for Shauny is a huge step for Tardis Guide-kind, as I like to call us lovely humans (and perhaps one or two aliens, who knows?) using your lovely site!
The ones where you earnt a badge “for every 10 stories you rate featuring X” were always a bit buggy - some people had too many, and besides that, they ended up being crazy like the Daleks one was given thousands of times.
As I rework the badges page (will take a while yet), it was time for a change.
They are all unlockable only once, and the criteria for unlocking them is a bit higher. For most of them you may even need to delve into the expanded universe to unlock them, as there aren’t enough TV stories to do it!
Sorry for that, but it gives you something to look forward to
For everyone who should have earned them but they don’t appear unlocked yet, please wait, I am doing a bulk badge check which could take quite a while, it will be unlocked for you soon!