Here’s an underrated story from each of the Classic Doctors in my humble opinion (apologies if these aren’t all as ‘underrated’ as others these are just stories I feel don’t get enough love or at least I dont see it)
Hartnell - ‘The Smugglers’
Reasoning + Rating
The Smugglers blew me away when I watched the reconstruction last year I found it to be an absolutely enthralling pirate tale with a delightful cast and a very satisfying story as well as a great introduction for Ben and Polly in their first TARDIS trip! - 8.5/10
Troughton - ‘The Krotons’
Reasoning + Rating
The Krotons is a story that I was shocked to find isn’t very loved in the fandom, I really enjoyed this story start to finish. It’s a harmless robot overlord controls colony storyline and I think the Krotons themselves are effective as villains. That paired with one of my all time favourite TARDIS teams gives me a story I can’t help but smile all the way through! - 7/10
Pertwee - ‘Death to the Daleks’
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Death to the Daleks is a story that I thought was very creative in all honesty, yes it has the single silliest cliffhanger of all time with the infamous ‘stop don’t move’ * dramatic zoom at floor tiles * but honestly looking past that this is one of the first stories to do something wildly different with the Daleks putting them on the back foot not letting them immediately become the master race. I really enjoy this story from the city the exxilons themselves I think it all just works! - 9/10
T.Baker - ‘Revenge of the Cybermen’
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Revenge is a story I can understand peoples dislike for, it portrays the Cybermen all types of wrong and to some is considered boring. I for one think it’s an awful lot of fun, not least because it features probably my actual favourite TARDIS team. The cybermat spreading the disease, Voga is believable at least to me and I as much as they’re portrayed as purely robots (the line from Baker when he says they’re complete machine creatures is terrible) I do thoroughly enjoy the Cybermen throughout this story. Overall an overlooked fun adventure - 8/10
Davison - ‘The King’s Demons’
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The King’s Demons is a story that given its short run time is still spectacular effective in my opinion, you have Ainley being the delightful master he is and an actual sword fight as well. I find Turlough to be entreating in this story too as by the end of it he’s ready to have a fight with the entire castle which never fails to make me giggle. I adore the idea of Kamelion and it’s very unfortunate how all that turned out. The storyline with King John is shory but sweet and the only thing letting the story down is the somewhat rushed ending with the mind battle between the doctor and the master but is till thunk it works - 8/10
C.Baker - ‘The Two Doctors’
Reasoning + Rating
The Two Doctors is a wonderful story. I love the combination of characters here and think they all work beautifully together, my biggest complaint about this story is the lack of 6 and 2 actually interacting but that’s made up by the prominence of Jamie I think and the fact Troughton can always hold his own in every scene. The Androgums make for a great new villain and the return of the sontarans is always welcome in my eyes, this story also has some very dark moments which is a trademark of Season 22. Overall a fantastically fun story! - 8/10
McCoy - ‘Delta and the Bannermen’
Reasoning + Rating
I know there’s at least one user on here who will wholeheartedly agree with this one. This story is just so much fun from the Doctor to Ray it all just works. I think the bannermen are effectively goofy but dangerous villains, the queen and her child provide us something to root for and I desperately need to mention the two Americans who always provide amazing comedic moments. I also found myself genuinely shocked by story beats here especially when they explode the bus, it’s so dark but perfectly done. The only real issue I take with this story as well as much of season 24 is the fact Mel gets almost nothing to do which is a shame. But overall, this story is an absolute blast and is very underrated - 8/10