TV Time - (but not Doctor Who!)


Great show. Looking forward to this.


A little different from TV. Byf has updated their The Complete Story of Destiny video. I think this will be my work listening project tomorrow.


My wife and I just started watching Victoria (she’s seen it before but I haven’t) and I’m very much enjoying it from the first couple episodes. And we’re both so very gay for Jenna Coleman


My four-week summer vacation started today, so this is a great opportunity to catch up on stuff I’d been meaning to watch for some time. First up is Shogūn. Watching this makes me wish we’d have more episodes of Doctor Who set in past Asian cultures.


People keep recommending Shogun to me - it’s on my list to get round to eventually! An episode of DW in ancient Japan would be super cool also; it’s one of the things I appreciated about the Chibnall era that an effort was made to break out of the generic European historical


I saw Stranger Things: The First Shadow stageplay the other day and it was so, so good, it’s really making me consider rewatching the show. Otherwise I do also want to watch Shogan, and should probably get around to finishing Star Trek Discovery too now that it’s ended.


Shogun was so good. I’m torn about them making a second and third season. It was originally marketed as a miniseries. I think it was one of the main reasons people watched it in the first place.


Speaking of miniseries, you just reminded me I’ve still not seen The Fall of the House of Usher! May actually watch that next but need to renew my Netflix subscription

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Probably going to start the new series of The Outlaws tonight but also might carry on with Psych which we discovered on Netflix and seems fun.


Psych is a great show. So much fun, Shawn and Gus are a delight to watch.


The two part pilot was a bit rough round the edges but I’m willing to give it a go. We’re waiting for my eldest to catch up on Castle before we watch the final season together and for 9-1-1 to drop more episodes of the new season.

We’re also due another Marvel/Star Wars series while we wait, hopefully, for Paramount+ to put Quantum Leap Series 2 on the platform.


The pilot is good, but there’s so much better stuff to come. So many pop-culture riffs, references, homages, etc. And so many fun guest stars.


Castle is one of those that I loved at the time, but the longer it went on, I liked it less and less.

I would recommend The Rookie for any Fillion fix you may need after you finish Castle. Just get through the first couple of shakey episodes.

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Season 7 had an alternate timeline episode and a murderer in an invisibility suit so I think it’s well and truly jumped the shark but we still love it and every scene with Esposito and Ryan is a joy to watch.

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Let me know when you finish it, and I’ll let you know the issues I have with it.

I did find the ‘make Castle a P.I.’ mini arc was a huge waste of time because it was blatantly obvious almost as soon as it started that there was no way they could keep the dynamic going with ever more tenuous reasons for getting Castle involved in the same cases Beckett was investigating. And lo and behold, three episodes later he’s back in the big wigs’ good books and back at the precinct!

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We Are Lady Parts is back! Been a while since S1.

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I’ve been meaning to watch that for ages, it looks really fun


Moffat seems to reunite a lot of the season 6 cast in his new show.