TV Time - (but not Doctor Who!)

Watched the entirety of season one of Hazbin Hotel in one binge watch.

Enjoyed it. Has a lot of things I like: angels who are terrible people, likeable demons (who are terrible people), interesting characters, LGBTQIA+ rep, plenty of musical numbers, Kimiko Glenn, the ever mysterious Alastor…


Finished watching Skeleton Crew on Disney+: perfect storytelling, high production value, and an amazing cast. As a kid, I would have absolutely loved it; as an adult, I still really enjoyed it. Well worth watching, imho. (And yeah, I’ve read the other comments in this thread. One’s mileage may very well vary. :slight_smile: )


One of the shows I’ve rewatched several times.
I love the dynamic between Kate Bishop, with her youthful, unstoppable determination, optimism, and razor-sharp wit, and the old, grizzled, rueful, battle-worn and partly broken but still caring Clint Barton.
Plus: one of the (few?) MCU TV shows that are actually structured like a good TV show and not like an awkwardly stretched and split movie.


FInished Silo S2. Slower than the first but an enjoyable watch. The ending throws up some interesting questions for S3.


Binged three episodes of Only Murders in the Building last night. Love it when they do a format breaking one (the ‘soundless’ episode in the first season was extremely clever). Knew at the halfway point they couldn’t have already found the murderer but it’s always fun watching the trio work things out.


Finished Skeleton Crew and yeah, wasn’t keen. Maybe least favourite Star Wars show yet? It never got going for me which was a shame.

At Attin was way too Earth like and Wim was almost almost unwatchable. Definitely not for me. A shame because the idea of kids (I know Luke was meant to be young but actual kids) from a sheltered planet on an adventure in a hostile galaxy is a great one in theory and I thought Fern, Neel and KB were really strong.

After finishing A Murder at the End of the World I decided to try Death and Other Details and it’s fine so far. I’ll finish it I’m sure but I’m not feeling compelled to if you know what I mean?

To scratch my murder mystery itch I’m impatient to get to Thursday when High Potential lands in the UK. Kaitlin Olson is one of the most talented performers working today I think and this show sounds right up my street. Really hope it’s good, if only to not keep sounding like a misery guts on this forum!


Loving Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy. And a delight to see Callum Keith Rennie from Due South in the show.


An emoji for the Due South reference.


I did see the first season of that and liked it but I felt that it was done after that and I had the motivation to continue when the second season started.

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Started the new Swedish Netflix series The Breakthrough yesterday. It is based on true events, a double murder that happened in Sweden in 2004. We saw the first episode, and it was sad (one of the victims was an 8-year-old) but really good.


Oh no, every season has been an absolute joy. The central trio are so brilliant. I highly recommend you go back to it.


Might go back to it sometime then.


We watched this a couple of weeks back. It was pretty good!


I’ve been working through Taskmaster 14 on Youtube, it’s a delight!


I adore Taskmaster. Every series is packed with belly laughs and the whole thing is so clever that I’m so glad it’s been the hit it has for Alex and his team.

Have you tried out the New Zealand version. It can be just as good, even if you haven’t a clue who the comedians are (although the Greg alternative isn’t much cop. The Alex alternative is great though).


Not tried the NZ version but I’ve seen some of the Aussie version and loved that


Finished Archer tonight. It’s a bit shaky for season 8 and 9, but it rallies back and the last couple of seasons are excellent again.

I saw that all of Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes is on iPlayer, so I may give that a re-watch.

As for Taskmaster. I’ve had it recommended by so many people, but I just can’t get into it.

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I love Taskmaster NZ, Season 2 and Season 5 especially are absolutely brilliant

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High Potential finally came to the UK today and it’s been one of my most anticipated shows, mainly because I love detective shows and I think Kaitlin Olson is one of the best performers currently working.

So I just watched the first 2 episodes and I’d say ordinarily it’d be a 6/10 show but Olson singlehandedly raises that to an 8. It’s an enjoyable case-of-the-week crime drama with a comic bent but she is unsurprisingly brilliant.

Really looking forward to the rest of this series now because I reckon it could be worth the months long wait I’ve had for it.