Glad you enjoy it. Word of warning though; Don’t try to watch the American remake, Gracepoint, with Tennent and Anna Gunn. My god is it awful.
I didn’t even know there was an American version. Good Lord, why?
There are instances where I think Americanized versions of British shows would work (and vice versa), but with Broadchurch… it’s hard to think of something less necessary, let alone less likely to succeed.
Scream at them putting David in, as if that’s what will make it work.
An odd one for me is Life on Mars. The American remake is weird, but enjoyable. Then in the last episode it redeems itself, IMO, and wins me over again.
Uuugh. I love Broadchurch but have stayed away from Gracepoint. The fact that they had to name it in a way that sort of alludes to the orignal but is still a bit original screams cringe to me.
"Broadchurch in America? What should we call it?
“What’s the opposite of ‘broad’? Narrow?”
"Hmm, that’s clumsy, let’s go with ‘point!’
“Okay, and church then, what’s the first thing that springs to mind?”
“Prayer, priest, grace…”
“Grace! That’s it!”
“So, Pointgrace?”
“Let’s flip it to make it less obvious!”
“Yeah, that’s it! Gracepoint!”
“Gracepoint” is also such a dumb and obviously fake name for a town. “Broadchurch” works because it sounds feasibly English. But a town in California called Gracepoint? It should have been called like, Plata Bay or something.
Apparently there was also a French version called Malaterra, which sort of works (to me, a non-native French speaker, anyway).
Yeah, at least when Buffy the Vampire Slayer made up Sunnydale, it was an extremely plausible name for a city in California (Of course, it’s basically just taking Sunnyvale and tweaking the name a little).
I’d tend towards a Spanish name, too, just because, formerly being part of Mexico, there are a fair number of Spanish city names in California…
Yeah, I was literally looking at California on Google Maps and scanning the city names, lol. (One must wonder how that didn’t occur to anyone making the show.) There were a few Bays/Harbors/Lakes and quite a few in Spanish, including Dorado. And if a city can be named Golden, surely a bay could be called Silver. Thus, Plata Bay.
A Melody Pond situation.
And I was born in California and lived there until after graduating highschool and moving to Nevada.
As such, I’ve been to or near Santa Cruz, San Jose, Santa Clara, Cupertino, San Diego, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Placerville, Grass Valley, Nevada City (actually had the name before the state), San Francisco, Los Gatos, Vacaville, etc…
(Vacaville used to have this place called the Wooz, and I visited it once or twice. It was this big maze that was supposed to be a big tourist destination, but ultimately wasn’t as big as they wanted, got sold, and then burned down, and is now a car dealership…)
I’ll have to check this out! Aimee Lou Wood was utterly outstanding in Sex Education and genuinely is a dream companion of mine
36 posts were merged into an existing topic: Nightsleeper
Oh, keep watching the Return. I developed a real love for it as it went on. Different from the original but very good in its own right.
We have now finished this. If you like quirky teen comedy with a bit of deep then I think that you will like this one. I also think it had a good representation of what autism is but I don’t have that and is not the best to judge that.
I’ve watched the first two episodes of Agatha All Along. Seems fun, and a good continuation of WandaVision
(I just kind of wish D+ would stop dropping two episodes at a time for a beginning of a series, space it out a bit)
I completely missed that it was out
Ah dropped yesterday
Currently rewatching Season 3 of 911 with my wife (who’s watching it for the first time).
Possibly one of the show’s best seasons - the tsunami episodes, Maddie’s stalking of an abused woman, Hen’s trauma and I know the hijack of the dispatch centre is coming up too and then it all ends with the train crash.
My wife doesn’t usually like this sort of show but is completely invested in the characters, especially Hen.
I’ve only watched the first episode so far. Loved all the WandaVision episodes, like when she kept changing her costumes from her different WandaVision episodes, such as when she became black and white again.
If I can drag myself away from binging House MD I might give it another chance