TV Time - (but not Doctor Who!)


Started the second series of Wreck last night. Really good and it’s got Bel in it.


Been watching through Prodigy. Absolutely no idea how people at Paramount could have watched season 2 and still cancelled it. Great Star Trek, and some of what I just watched is channeling Doctor Who perfectly.

Pausing after episode 10, since I don’t have enough time to binge through the other half tonight…


Started watching Kings From Queens: The RUN DMC Story, great stuff.


Well, being as I’m hyped up on caffeine, thus not able to go to sleep yet, I’m catching up on one of my favourite YouTube channels.

After that, I’ll catch up on @ChrisStokes 007 run.

I know on my day off tomorrow, I have the new A&E WWE Biography to watch.

I always seem to find something else to watch rather than continuing my own DW run.


Love Sorted Food. I think that their “Pass it on” challenge is one of the most entertaining food series of videos I have watched.


I really enjoy the chaotic energy that Kush has brought to the team. My favourite series is taste testing foods from around the world.

Also when they discover British foods that they haven’t heard of before.


Glad you’re enjoying!


About 2 thirds of the way through Season 3 of 911 Lone Star. I wasn’t as much of a fan of this as I am the parent show but it’s really come into it’s own now (getting shot of the atrocious Liv Tyler helped immeasurably). Loving the characters now especially Marjan and Chavez. And Grace is wonderful! Adore her!

I watched 911 originally by myself because, traditionally, my wife hates shows like this (Casualty was one she could never watch) because of the knowing dread that someone is about to have a horrible accident. But she half watched a couple of later 911 episodes with me and fell in love with the characters so we’ve gone back and rewatched from the start (whilst also watching the latest season once all the episodes dropped) and moved into Lone Star in between.

It really is an excellent series and I’m absolutely dreading the day they kill someone off in the main show!


Watching Abbot Elementary Season 3 as well. Even though US ‘primary’ school doesn’t bear a huge similarity to the UK education system, there are definitely some common themes which make this a joy to watch as a primary school teacher. Just as with 911, though, it’s the characters that make this - even if they are slightly caricatured for the purposes of comedy.


I just binged all of Douglas is Cancelled.

Moffat, Gillan and Kingston all working on a show together? Bring it on!

It was very tense, very good, I recommend it.

And I really hoped they discussed getting together to film more Doctor Who at some point :smiley:


Yesterday evening, I binged ‘Dick Turpin’ on AppleTV+. The Hibiki from the Suntory Distillery that I drank may have had something to do with it, :wink: but I very much enjoyed the humor in the show. Just the right balance of - well, everything they put into it. :slight_smile:


Finally gotten round to starting The Acolyte


Just watched the second episode of Douglas is Cancelled. This is brilliant TV!
Can’t wait to watch the next episode. Love it!

Also watched the finale of the Acolyte. This is Star Wars made for me :grin: Except the light saber whip, who thought that was a good idea…


Mary Jo Duffy in Marvel Star Wars #95 back in February 1985.


damn, you got there first


In Legends at least, it’s a physical whip of beskar (mandalorian iron) combined with lightsaber technology. It was primarily used by the dark lady of the Sith Lumiya (excellent character there) and required a regular lightsaber and a shoto (short lightsaber) to effectively counter.


Lumiya is an excellent character. Originally, in the original 70s/80s Marvel Star Wars series, an imperial agent of Vader, she infiltrated the Rebellion getting very close to Like before he shot her down during a mission because of using the Force to determine targets. This caused Luke to almost be discredited in the Alliance. Later in the series, she returned as the mysterious cyborg Lumiya leading a war against the New Republic. After this, she fell off the radar before returning 35 years later in-universe to turn Luke’s nephew Jacen to the dark side in the excellent Legacy of the Force series.


Fair enough :wink: I like when some of the Legends stuff gets brought back, I just thought it looked kind of ridiculous when Vernestra used it.

I loved the bleeding of the Kyber crystal in the finale😁


I haven’t actually watched the Acolyte. Apart from not necessarily agreeing with some of the political messaging behind it, I’ve heard that a lot of it is just poor or illogical writing. I tried reading the first adult novel of the High Republic series and just couldn’t get into it, though I have enjoyed the comics I’ve read for the most part.