Deeply buried secrets are unearthed by an alien artefact.
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Deeply buried secrets are unearthed by an alien artefact.
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First a question: Don’t police in the UK receive weapons training? I don’t understand the point of the shooting scene with Gwen and Jack—it feels unnecessary.
I really don’t like Owen, and not in a fun, “love to hate him” way. More in a “he’s ruining the series for me” way. He’s a complete arsehole. It feels forced that he’s so upset by the man in this episode, especially considering he sexually assaulted a couple just two episodes ago and hasn’t shown much regard for life in the other episodes.
The rest of the cast still feels pretty meaningless at this point in the series, but I get why they’re being introduced gradually.
The story in this episode is fine. Nothing special, really.
(Maybe I need to start a negative corner her like @BillFiler did for season 2)
This is a really good episode. Unfortunately, I don’t really like it. I’m not sure if it’s just that I don’t care for Owen or if there’s something else stopping me from connecting with it, but despite how powerful many of the scenes are and how good the acting is, I just never really meshed with it. I keep forgetting it exists.
Trigger warning for sexual assault. Mild gore warning for quite a bit of blood towards the end of the episode.
This is the episode where Torchwood finally came together for me.
A great character piece for Owen, this episode gave me a newfound appreciation for the character, proving that he isn’t an absolute idiot @Tian
I think that you just did that
That reminds me, I’ve really got to get back to DontBlink’s Positivity Corner!
I’d like to take a more positive standpoint and think that her death hit him hard because this is the first time he’s (quite literally, although forced) seeing a assault on the victim’s end. That’s character development right there.
The guy’s feeling feelings! /hj
I’m interested to see how he became this arsehole… He’s a horrible person by far but this episode showed me he’s not a horrible character
I tried to see it that way, but it does not feel like growth to me. It just feels like inconsistent writing. But let’s see what happens when we continue this series.
When I did my first watch-through, I had the same problems. I just hated everyone. I like Season 3 and 4.
Hardcore Doctor Who fan right there.
Even though I hated almost everyone and the plot’s really not for me, I still binged the whole thing and even rewatching it for TV club now
I’m a Torchwood fan first and a Doctor Who fan second, I binged the whole show twice the first week I watched it.
I am doing the same thing. I know that TW is loved by many here, and I do want this club to be a chance to discover it with people who like it. But I mostly run into the same problems.
I don’t even like Jack in this and I loved him in regular DW.
This is a genuine question. It feels like it is the first time she is firing a gun. Does anyone know?
Gwen’s role was only serving the coffee wasn’t it? I don’t think she had a substantial role enough to have had warranted training?
Edit: reading up on it, and firearm training is more specialized. She would’ve likely had a taser instead.
Interesting. Basic firearm training is part of all police training here.
A subjective opinion does not prove an argument
Exactly. I still think that he is an absolute idiot!
I genuinely don’t remember this episode. Reading some of these comments really brings up the want to re-watch this one so I can argue