TV Club reaches the climax of Series 2 with an epic story of Daleks vs Cybermen, parallel universes, Torchwood’s debut and Rose’s farewell. I think there’s going to be a lot talk about!
I like them! I know that @BillFiler is going to come here with hate but I feel like these are fun and great episodes! The emotions on the beach are really perfection!
I’m not a hater, I just can’t stand Rose, and specifically the Ten/Rose dynamic. Tennant is so much better woth Freema and Catherine!
By the way, I have been waiting for this thread to talk about one thing. The most interesting aspect of this two-parter is that parts of it are set in Norway (because it’s the only Scandinavian country in the Whoniverse, apparently) and the fictional location Bad Wolf Bay (or Dårlig Ulv Stranden, as it’s called in Norwegian). I don’t speak Norwegian, but even I know that the supposed Norwegian name isn’t very good Norwegian at all. “Stranden,” first of all, is “beach,” not “bay,” and “dårlig” would be closer to “poor” (as in poor quality or feeling ill) than “bad” (as in evil). So the literal translation of "Dårlig Ulv Stranden "would be “Poor Wolf Beach.”
But I get that it had to be “dårlig” for the cringey Dalek joke.
The whole companion dying but not really trope is thoroughly overused in modern Who. Rose, Clara, Bill, Amy, Rory - even Donna technically. It’s lazy writing, frankly. Either have the courage of your convictions and actually kill them stone dead or find a different way of writing out characters.