Oh, now you’re the one calling tropes tired on their first outing! /lh
(I do agree, though.)
Oh, now you’re the one calling tropes tired on their first outing! /lh
(I do agree, though.)
Well at least we didn’t have it in Classic Who, imagine if Adric didn’t die.
And I just read from the TARDIS Wiki that the reason he decided on not killing off Rose (and the later companions too, I suspect) is that killing off a companion would go against Doctor Who’s “optimistic worldview”.
Oh, and she is awesome, isn’t she? Especially in Doomsday when she goes against the Cyber programming and turns on the Cybermen! She one of the better elements in a flawed two-parter.
I like this story on the whole. It continues to deal with the body horror of cybermen, which is a plus, and introduces Yvonne, which is a huge plus. And finally, Rose is gone! I’m sure we won’t have to deal with hearing about her for the next two seasons.
Although, this episode eventually gives us Cyberwoman, which is so terrible it taints this story by affiliation.
Ha - never said I wasn’t a horrendous hypocrite.
To be fair, though, I didn’t mind it with Rose as it was an interesting way of opening the episode. I more have an issue with Moffat using it again and again for his companions.
When I eventually reread the Eighth Doctor DWM strips I’ll write a “every inspiration RTD took from the comics” section, but for now I just wanna casually point out he 200% got the ghost Cybermen idea from The Flood.
I feel vindicated!
Doomsday was great when I was like 9 and watching it for the first time and Rose leaving was sad to me. And then I discovered the rest of DW and became and adult and I find the melodrama of it all so terribly tiresome. I do think this story does cybermen pretty well but these days I just find the whole Rose thing something I don’t care about
The truest words that have been spoken today!
They sort of did that in Big Finish. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t go well
9 year old me, still not over Earthshock: BUT YOU DIDNT
I’m one of a small minority that like that story, I think.
The first half was weird and hard to get through but goddamn was I crying at the end
Me too, but tbf I like everything that is not Adric. I just think the intelligent scorpions are lots of fun
A bit of disjointed thoughts in Negativity Corner this time:
Because she’s awesome.
Can’t explain why she just is.
This is something I agree with. I dont see the appeal of her.
Yeah she’s great, but I don’t see why she gets singled out as someone that special.
Is she in audios I haven’t heard perhaps?
Yes, lots. As someone who haven’t heard them, I can’t see the appeal too.
My biggest problem with this story is that Freema Agyeman is in this and then plays Martha 2 episodes later. This gets confusing.