I’m not a big fan of the Timeless Child stuff, for the most part.
A key part of The Doctor is that they are actually not a great Time Lord, they are the ‘runt of the litter’. They rebel against the stuffy nature of Time Lords and want to be out there exploring.
Making The Doctor super-duper special, almost a messiah figure, actually cheapens them for me. Making them not even Gallifreyen even more. Now all you have is an outsider who doesn’t actually belong, whether they know it or not.
While the idea of pre-First Doctor regenerations isn’t a new concept, the way it was shoehorned in was a real failure of writing. There are better ways to tell the story that wouldn’t have made me roll my eyes, and essentially choose to ignore it.
here is my version.
DOCTOR starts getting reactions from people, where The Doctor is a name to be feared and not trusted. This is subtle over a season or so. DOCTOR presumes either an imposter or future incarnation. A season finale ends with FUGITIVE, in A TARDIS turning up on a planet, gun in hand, and introduces themselves as The Doctor.
A catastrophic event has happened and everyone blames The Doctor. They investigate and that leads to an encounter with FUGITIVE who explains that she is doing this for the glory of Gallifrey. They are one of the first Time Lords, forging a path for a glorious empire. The Doctor vows to stop them. After a few encounters, you can see FUGITIVE empathising with DOCTOR about the beauty of the universe and its diversity.
This leads to an encounter at Division. Out of time and space Rassilon, Omega and FUGITIVE are working on Gallifreys future. They have seen the rise of The Hybrid, The Great Time War, The Master and others. All of this leads to the destruction of Gallifrey. FUGITIVE is still from another place, but they came across Gallifrey by accident and agreed to help Omega and Rassilon. They are trying to engineer a perfect society using FUGITIVEs technology, but they won’t give them regeneration. LOOMS are used.
At the confrontation, FUGITIVE sides with DOCTOR. Omega declares FUGITIVE a heretic from his MASTER plan for the universe. They shoot each other. As FUGITIVE starts to regenerate, Omega pushes them into a loom. DOCTOR holds fugitives hand but can’t hold on. CONTACT. DOCTOR gets half formed memories but ultimately lets go of hand. FUGITIVE joins Omega in the vasts to be reborn another day, but giving Time Lords regeneration.
DOCTOR traps Rassilon out of time and space, but takes the looms, Hand of Omega, and other tech to the part built dome on Gallifrey. Leaving DOCTOR sorts through the memories and tries to find the home of FUGITIVE.
For me this is a combination of Timeless Child and Lunbarrow/The Other. It still allows The Doctor to be The Doctor and from Gallifrey, but also have a lineage that comes from somewhere else. It ties in The Master and The Doctor more closely. The Flux could also be incorporated as a Rassilon event after all this.
This all works within established continuity, and doesn’t cheapen The Doctor too much.
PS. This was just a quick write-up in about 10 minutes. Obviously, this would need to be worked on to get into a more thought out plan. Don’t flame haha
PPS. I may write this out more and as re-reading it there are some holes and presumptions about you knowing what’s in my head.