Theoretical: New Line of Past Doctor Novels?

I mean I would be down I have a lot of ideas for fan productions and no way to make them


Iā€™d love a Sixth Doctor range with a completely new companion, preferably a male who isnā€™t the traditional stuffy, uptight sort* (like Jago and Litefoot), incredibly average (Mathew), or someone involved in crime (Thomas Brewster, Frobisher). A companion whoā€™s like male version of Ruby or Flip would be ideal.

If Thirteen has a multi-Doctor story, can it be Six :stuck_out_tongue:

*Although, since I love pretentious, uptight characters, if the characterization is good, Iā€™ll permit it.


Iā€™d actually kill for a 13+6 team-up OMG


I was so happy that fanboy Colin got to act with Jodie in the Power of the Doctor. I just need them to have a proper adventure together, colors flying!


I wanna see them trade coats


I hope that Thirteen would be the one Doctor who doesnā€™t insult Sixā€™s garb, but actually adores and embraces it (and vice versa).


Oh absolutely they would, theyā€™ve both got the silly little clown outfits (/pos)


Finally figured out mine, in a very rough form.

First Doctor: Ian and Barbara (set between Dalek Invasion and rescue) or Steven/Vicki
Second Doctor: Jamie and Zoe
Third Doctor: Liz and UNIT
Fourth Doctor: Romana II
Fifth Doctor: Turlough between Resurrection and Planet
Sixth Doctor: Evelyn Smythe, set between The Sandman and Jubilee
Seventh Doctor: Ace and Hex (maybe visit a Benny archeological dig)
Eighth Doctor: Lucie Miller, or Liv and Helen (Pre-Stranded)
War Doctor: Solo
Ninth Doctor: Rose and Jack, retrieve Tara (set between Boom Town and bad Wolf)
Tenth Doctor: Gabby and Cindy, or Martha
Eleventh Doctor: Amy and Rory, either between S5 and S6 or S6 and S7a
Twelfth Doctor: Bill
Thirteenth Doctor: Yaz and Dan


Gabby and Cindy in another medium, hell yeah!!


Iā€™d actually be more interested in this than the books starring the current Doctor and companion. Especially if they got some of the actors from the show writing for them too.


Thought about this way too hard on accident. I wouldnā€™t mind some new PDAs on the shelf. Not one a month or anything but one every quarter or a batch every six months would be nice. As for what Iā€™d like to seeā€¦
1: Iā€™d like to see something set almost immediately post DMP. A character piece for the Doctor and Steven to reflect on the loss and trauma they endured.
2: Not sure here tbh. Iā€™d like to give Troughtonā€™s Doctor the type of story he never really got on TV though.
3: Give Pertwee a historical. His Doctor would honestly be extremely interesting in a Victorian Gothic horror story.
4: I think a straightforward alien invasion would be really fun with Four and Romana.
5: A dark, brutal adventure for Five. Just put that floppy haired golden retriever man through the wringer.
6: Letā€™s explore Evelynā€™s inner thoughts. Weā€™ve never had the chance to see her perspective on adventures because sheā€™s been audio only with the occasional foray into short stories.
7: I know we focus on 7 and Ace in the novel sector. Letā€™s see Mel on the page for once.
8: Hear me out. Multi-8 story that crosses over EDA, BF, and Comic 8s.
9: Unsure here. I think a straightforward tale for 9 and Rose would be nice.
10: Another character study here. I think 10 is such a fascinating character because his flaws are never actually shown as such and tend to be rewarded. What happens when all that slack finally stretches too far and snaps back at him.
11: Give me the VNA style dark manipulative Doctor 11 can be.
12: River and the Doctor obviously couldnā€™t be bothered to spend a full 24 years on Darillium. They went on some outings.
13: Another character study please. Get into her mind and see what all is going on here. If thereā€™s a Doctor I want a first person POv from, itā€™s 13.
14: A series of vignettes about normal life.


Thereā€™s actually a pretty good short story called Ash that takes place immediately following The Daleksā€™ Master Plan. It unfortunately doesnā€™t really focus on the fall out from that story and is more its own, contained thing but itā€™s still a nice little horror outing.

Pretty sure thatā€™s just Caerdroia


I know this is expected of me but YES! River and 12ā€™s adventures post-Darillium are something that absolutely need to be explored :heart_eyes:


Following up on a 13 and 6 team up, while I do think theyā€™d get along, I think 6 would also see a lot of the things he disliked about his previous incarnation in 13 and call her out on it.

Idk Iā€™ve been thinking A Lot about the parallels btwn 5 and 13, with them holding their companions at arms length, emotionally constipated as hell, appearing nice and polite but having a deep simmering anger just under the surface, being rather passive, not taken seriously because of their appearance etc. I think itā€™d be a good wake up call for 13 to see that sheā€™s repeating the same bad habits from the past.


Alternatively, a 13 and 5 team up where 13 grumbles about something 5 does and Yaz, Ryan and Graham staring into the camera like on the office bc she does exactly the same thing too.

Self recognition through the self (derogatory)


I definitely agree 13 and 5 are very similar. Another way is that they seem to lack a lot of the Doctorā€™s typical charisma, and one of their biggest frustrations is not being able to get people to go along with them as much as the Doctor tends to do, since they canā€™t really overwhelm anyone with sheer force of personality.


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