The Warmth of the Doctor

So, in another thread, I asked people to identify core character traits that make the Doctor the character that we all know and love. Then, more recently, we’ve had discussions about Doctor recasts (in Big Finish) and I started thinking much more about the importance of the performance, not just the voice likeness. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I love Noonan and Treloar as the First and Third Doctors respectively. It dawned on me that one thing they both do so well that is also key to the Doctor on screen for me as well is portray the character’s warmth.

I think this was a significant contributor, also, to the difficulties that Colin Baker faced in his first season (and, to a lesser extent, Capaldi likewise). Both Colin and Peter can show great warmth in their portrayals but this tends to come through later - after public opinion has already formed).

I guess, what I’m saying is, this is a thread to discuss this aspect of the Doctor (not always front and center but always there) and to celebrate those relationships and little character moments throughout the series (both onscreen and in other media) where that warmth shines through.



Personally, the only Doctor I get “warmth” from is Six, and that’s because he’s my favorite. Every story he’s in makes me excited, one way or the other. When he’s being compassionate, it makes me swoon; when he’s being spiky, it makes me laugh; and when he’s sad or angry, I feel it, too.


Sixie really DOES have warmth. I think it’s much more apparent in the “Trial” season than season 22. Even moreso, of course, in the Big Finish audios, where Colin truly shows what could have/should have been with his Doctor.

The affection between Six and Evelyn is one of the great pairings of Doctor Who. It felt earned and very real on both sides. Delightful chemistry, to be sure, but it was also present in the writing too.



I’m more of a season 22 fan to be honest, but season 23 does have some charming moments definitely.

I have a like/dislike relationship with Evelyn. I liked her a lot at first, but since I’ve finished her run with Six, depending on the audio she can be a bit obnoxious.


I think season 22 has some real highs (despite its well documented flaws) and find season 23 a bit…neutered at times (though we understand why) but I do think the mellowed Six in 23 shows the line of development they were aiming for.

So, gotta ask, what are your favourite moments of warmth from Six (especially in season 22)?


How nice of you to ask!

  • Stealing a bite of Peri’s apple in the Attack of the Cybermen (a way of sharing food)
  • The grin he and Peri shared at the end of Twin Dilemma
  • In Mark of the Rani, when the Rani called Peri an “incompetent fool” and “worthless”, Six was quick to say, “Not to me she isn’t”
  • The constant hugging/touching between Six and Peri throughout the series, and the contant jokey banter (e.g. “How would you like to meet a genius?” “I thought I already had :wink:!” in MotR)
  • His wanting to protect her (and Wells) in Timelash even though she was insistent on staying in the TARDIS with him (towards the end of the serial)
  • The loving manner in which he brought her back to consciousness in Varos after her transformation (and likewise in The Two Doctors)
  • How emotional he got over Azrael in the Twin Dilemma (both happy and sad), same with how he mourned Lytton (AotC) and Orcini (Revelation of the Daleks)
  • Going fishing with Peri, reciting poetry/literature - shows he’s a well-rounded person with hobbies and interests. Down to Earth and cultured
  • “You see our time together as aimless?!” - he obviously likes spending time with her, even if he doesn’t say it outright (Timelash)
  • The random injections of humor he has in his speech and behavior (the Peri-eh?/Perrier pun in Varos for instance; “now you see me (now you don’t)” wave at the end of the serial. Peeking out of the ground with the police hat in Cybermen)