The road to 10,000 stories…


If you’d like to suggest edits for anything existing, please use the box on the story page.

I’ll be updating that eventually to work much better.

Hopefully by the time you get to the books not yet on the site, we will have added them :grin: I only stopped to catch up with all the comics provided. Will return to Faction Paradox soon.


I guess the Daft Dimension question shows that eventually the community will get to the point where it has to decide what counts as a Doctor Who story, or indeed what counts as a story at all. Is the glass ceiling trailer a Doctor Who story? What about the BBC continuity announcements from a few weeks ago that featured the 15th Doctor in character? These are some particularly out there examples, but I don’t envy whoever has to make the fringe calls.


Oh hey, a fellow spreadsheet lover! I still maintain mine in private, but it’s only all audios, TVs and books I’ve mostly yoinked from the wiki. You on the other hand are quite insane :slight_smile:
I’d love to help fixing and adding some info when an on-site editor will be available. I’ve ran into a few stories that weren’t tagged properly.


Hello, I have returned to ask: What can I do? I’ve had a look at the spreadsheet but I’m quite confused about how it works - why are some rows green? What ‘counts’ as Who enough to add? And, how should I contact the others so I know what not to add because other people are already working on that story/group of stories?

Sorry for all the questions, I just don’t want to mess it up!


If it is the DWM Comics page. I started that before my vacation this week. The Gren rows should be done. Just start on the others :grinning:


We are making a new sheet for each ‘group’ of stories.

So there is a sheet for Doctor Who Magazine comics, that is the one with green lines (green are done and ready to go on the site).

You can hop in and finish off any that aren’t green, or start a new sheet for another group.

You can discuss here what set to work on!



Thank you very much for explaining!


Doing the DWM comics atm, and just wanted to confirm - we’re not linking to Time Scales anymore, right?

Since I worked on most of them, I can get through the cheshire house stuff pretty quickly, but I don’t know how far into the fringes of Who you want to go - is it okay if I make a group for those? Also, what about jokes and parodies? Like, five-ish doctors, or super duper fringe stuff, like The Noodle Incident?

Also, @Tian sorry to interrupt your holiday, but where did you find the ISBNs for the other comics? They’re not on the wiki page, or on anything that comes up when I search for the DWMs. Also, is ‘monsters’ for the main villain?


iirc it’s not linking going forward, and will remove links for past stories slowly but eventually as tardis guide gets big enough to have a good amount of numbers on each story


Not linking, but if there are significant number of ratings on their then it’s useful to grab them from the site to give the ratings a head start (which happens automatically if you add that URL). Up to you if you want to include it!

Yes absolutely. Anything with a TARDIS Wiki page is valid for TARDIS Guide.

The Five-ish Doctors I’m planning on being a behind the scenes thing as it’s not in-universe. This is a separate area which is still in progress, so please leave out.

I’ve not heard of the Noodle Incident!

It’s for any villanous character or alien creature or species in the episode, even if not villainous. Sometimes it’s a difficult call, but you can see examples on other stories. The only time I don’t bother adding it is if for example the story features Strax (Sontaran) but no other Sontarans, I wouldn’t add it as a Sontaran story.

Happy to answer any more questions!


Look at the collected edition. There is no for the individual stories.


Shifted the Polystyle Third Doctor strips into their own sheet. Have 1970 and 1971 on there.


Also, are you reworking the filters on the Guide @shauny? I can find the “month added” filter and when I try to filter by dates, nothing works. No drop down calendar appears.


No, it’s all working for me… what page are you on?


I went all stories, switched to 120 per page and sort by oldest first.


I’ll try it again later then.


Seems to be working fine now.


On the document, there’s one sheet that’s name is greyed out, about the “second doctor strips”. Those stories don’t appear to be on the guide, so, why’s the sheet greyed out?

Also, been adding a lot of stuff and left comments where I was confused (some info that didn’t match the wiki), and I noticed there are some things which very much seem to be one-offs, such as the dalek activity book. Should that go on a sheet all on it’s own, or should I lump any one-offs into a sheet all together?

And, I’ve started to create sheets for “other X” (other prose, other comics, etc), because there are a lot of one-offs that don’t fit into a series or anything, and I don’t know where else to put them, but noticed you said different media types should be separate. Just wanted to double-check that this is okay before I continue.

Sorry for all the questions!

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Second Doctor Strips up to June 68? They are all on the site (the stories)

All in a sheet together please, as long as they are all books, or all comics, etc.

Yeah it’s just much easier to import if it’s all the same media type. So put books together in one sheet, comics in another, etc.

Thanks :smiley:

Oh, that’s odd - I can’t find them. Searching their names brings nothing up.

As for the last two, gotcha! On it!