The Eighth Doctor and Where to Start (topics merged)

But then that bit in The Day of the Doctor isn’t the main crux of the story, whereas it is in Demontage. Having a similar idea isn’t really an issue unless it is a carbon copy of the other and nothing has been added or changed to the basic concept.

We all know there aren’t really any new ideas any more. Everything is just a variation of what’s come before.

(The TARDIS is basically the wardrobe from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, after all).


So, with all the major parts of the Eighth Doctor era discussed here, what are your favorites?

Lucie Miller forever and ever <3333


Am I allowed to say the Doctor? He’s just so good!


Which medium lends itself best to the Eighth Doctor? TV, novel/short story, comic or audio?


Personally, I’d say novel. I think his characterisation is at its best in the books, but I still love the audios. I haven’t got that deep into the comics, though–one day!


Probably depends on the Characterization. I do really love the way he is so far in the Books, a love story where his lover is the universe.

Meanwhile, the Audios are a hit-and-miss and really depend on the companion he is travelling with, to enjoy both approaches.
Read a bit from the Comics, the flood is amazing besides that he is pretty alright in most of them, nothing too amazing


Has to be the audios because McGann is absolutely wonderful - even in the less successful stories.


I have a sad confession. I am only familiar with the 8th Doctor from the movie of way back when. So where should a newbie with 8 begin?
Books… you tube vids…? I am open to all possibilities.
And is he the same as The War Doctor?


Short Answer: I’d start with audios over the books. Long answer incoming. And no, the War Doctor is a separate incarnation originally played by John Hurt.


This is what responded to the same question in a separate thread:

If you’re looking for a good place to start in the Eighth Doctor from Big Finish, I’d recommend this thread:

And for an overarcing more generalized Eighth Doctor discussion, check out this thread:


Ooooo… that sounds good. And I thought that 8 was just a younger War Doctor.

I am hard of hearing and :thinking: maybe if I had good head set I wont be afraid to miss any content. I will definitely check out the 8th fan club. Thanks!


I started with the 8th Doctor audio drama “Storm Warning.” This audio reintroduces the Eighth Doctor, as well as his new companion. It can be found on audio streaming sites such as Spotify, or possibly your local library. (I recommend checking your local library. From your profile, I see you are a fellow American. I have found the first 50 audio dramas on a library service known as hoopla (among other Doctor Who and non-Doctor Who content), so it might be worth your time to see if your library subscribes to it, as it will allow you to access the audio dramas ad free if you do not subscribe to Spotify or Apple Music. Storm Warning TARDIS Guide page
Another potential starting spot is the Lucie Miller audio adventures. These were released a few years after the Eighth Doctor Main Range Adventures, and it appears that the first few are also available on Spotify. I have not listened to them yet, but they appear to be well-regarded. TARDIS Guide entry for first EDA audio aka Lucie Miller audio The main difference between the Main Ranges and the Lucie Miller dramas are that the Main Ranges are “Classic Who” style (four ~30 minute parts) and the Lucie Miller dramas are “New Who” style (one hour, with some possibility for two parters that span two separate releases). Your preference for “Classic Who” style or “New Who” style may help you decide.

The short minisode “Night of the Doctor” is also available on Youtube, but I would personally recommend “getting to know” the Eighth Doctor in some other stories first before watching.


I second this. Also, inquire into whether your library has an interlibrary loan program for getting titles that aren’t in their catalog.


Well I’m intrigued now. I’m gonna have to shuffle over to my library. I am in a big town so I bet they have at least a handful. :eyes: :1tardis:


I have nothing to add to this! @DarthGallifrey and @lwebb gave very thorough answers! But feel free to ask for any more help or recommendations!

I hope you enjoy your time with 8! He is a marvellous Doctor once you get to know him.

The minisode The Night of the Doctor from 2013 is available on YouTube, and it takes place in the final moments of Eight’s life, showing how he regenerates into War if that interests you.


The way i’m approaching 8 is audios in (mostly) release order - I’m only up to EDA s2 but it’s been a roller coaster already.

So the way I’d reccomend doing it is:
-Big Finish Main Range (Storm Warning-The Girl Who Never Was)
-The Eighth Doctor Adventures s1-4
-Dark Eyes
-Doom Coalition
-The various remaining 8, Liv, and Helen adventures
-8 Time War stuff


I’m near the end of my total binge of Eighth Doctor audios.

It’s been a really fun, wild ride! Personally I recommend the Lucie Miller range the most, Time War is good if you like Daleks a lot, and I enjoyed Stranded as a complete change of scene from the usual (although maybe get to know Liv and Helen a bit first, they come in during Dark Eyes and Doom Coalition, respectively).


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Lucie Miller forever <3333

I love the 8 audios in all their iterations, but Lucie is peak 8 era for me, and I really enjoyed Time War as well. I must say I am really enjoying the books too, even if some of them suck. The best part about 8 is how much stuff you have to pick from because he’s got all sorts of comics and books as well as the audios


what are your thoughts