The Collection - Limited Edition and Standard Edition General Discussion

Thought we’d have a thread for general discussion of these releases.

I only get the Standard Edition and Season 2 was released this week. There is now news on Season 9.

Looking forward to The Curse of Peladon (again)!


I’ve got a couple of each. They were second hand from CEX. I would like them all one style, but I’m not picky.


Honestly I am so tempted to pick some of these up.

I really need to rewatch all of Classic, and I want to experience the special editions (I think they’d help), plus I want the bonus content!

And now I have a bookshelf…

Getting more tempted every day!!

Which one would you recommend I start with? And is it possible to get the previous releases at non-crazy prices?


The standard editions are easy enough to pick up and shouldn’t be more than £35 each as that was roughly what they were released as.

I have them all sitting on my shelf and, as is usually the case with me, they haven’t actually been watched. But from what I can tell the Season 23 is a good one for extras and you could always be obvious and get Season 12 or 14 for some classic Tom. Season 26 is also a good one, I think.

Alternatively, you could go for the newly-released Season 2 and start at the (almost) beginning. I’m hoping to get that one for Christmas (or buy it for myself shortly afterwards if Father Christmas gets me other things like Blakes 7 or Gatwa’s first season).


I have everything on DVD already so I’ve been quite reluctant to buy any of the Blu-Ray sets. However, I’ve heard so many good things about the recent Season 25 set that I’ve decided to give that try. If I enjoy that as much as I think I will then I’ll look at getting Seasons 24 and 26. McCoy is my Doctor so it’d be nice to have the full set.

I don’t know that I’ll go much beyond that, though. I really don’t want to be buying the entire series again but some select seasons could tempt me.


I wasn’t going to bother with these at all because originally I missed the limited edition Season 12. So I just decided to live with being envious of special features I wouldn’t get to see unless I borrowed friends’ sets.

But then the SE of 12 came out and I caved so now I have all the SEs plus the LE of Season 24 (natch).


I just have my very exclusive [Doctor Actor] Complete Season [x of their run] sets.


What is the difference actually between the Limited Editions and their Standard counterparts?


The LE are more expensive.
The only difference is literally the size of the packaging and the size of the accompanying booklet (it has more images and possibly more text). The actual contents of the discs is identical. Which is why I basically wait for the SE for all of them and only caved for Season 24 because it’s a bit special to me. (I nearly caved on 25 too, but I’m going to resist the temptation and just wait).

With Season 2 out now and Season 9 in only a couple of months, the SE are not hugely behind the LE. Once 9 is out it will only be 20, 15 and 25 (and whichever LE is next). So only three/four releases behind which I can definitely live with.

The only irritating thing for me is that I don’t have any way of accessing the PDF content because you need a bluray drive for that.


Thanks. That was what I thought :slightly_smiling_face:

I want to get the Blu-ray Collections at some point, but having different styles of packaging for some of the seasons would annoy me just a liiiittle bit each and every day :joy:

And I gather it would be pretty expensive and a bit difficult to get my grubby little hands on the LE already released.

So I guess it is Standard Editions for me :slightly_smiling_face:


But either way you choose to go, they’re totally worth getting. Classic Who remastered to the best quality it’s ever been, the option for updated effects if you want that sort of thing, hours and hours of bonus content including just about everything the DVDs had, thousands of pages of PDF archive material, you’re getting a lot of content for your money.


I’d like the Collections, but I don’t have a Blu-ray player, and I feel the DVDs do the job for me.

Also, they’re expensive!


I have 2, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 (ltd) & 8 & 10 (std).


I think for the amount of content they are pretty reasonably priced. You could always try from 2nd hand sellers.


Is a Blu-ray player worth it though?


Well you can pick them up quite cheap.


I just have a Blu-ray disc drive for my laptop. It came with software to watch on (though that doesn’t work anymore so I found a different program). Also, it appears (from a quick google search) if you have a PS4, PS5 or Xbox Series X, you can watch Blu-rays on that.


In Region A (Americas and parts of Asia), there is only one edition, and it does not have any booklet whatsoever. :slightly_frowning_face: I have “Tom Baker Season 3” aka Season 14.


I’m in America too. I currently have everything except 17, 9, 20 and 15. And of course 25 which doesn’t have a US release yet.


Yeah, our only BluRay player is the Xbox One.