I was looking for that god but could not find it
That was great!!!
OMG! Super cool, shauny!!! The closest we’ll ever get to the sub-wave network experience (unless…)
Oh, this is exciting! Do you think he’ll join the site?
I hope so. And read your comments about Cyberwoman
The fact that Gareth David-Lloyd knows about the site now and said it out loud is pretty epic I think
Oh wow that is pretty cool!
This is brilliant!
Now how to fit it into the timeline /j
I take it back!
That was bloody brilliant! I squeeeed!
I am ger-thanking you for zis loverly leetle ger-prize!
I can’t keep that up, you’ll be relieved to learn. Anyway, it is a badge I shall wear with pride. It’s been a while so I must try to think of another silly game sometime soon.
My thoughts exactly, I was thinking about another connections earlier today actually!
Hey @Toymaker, how’s the fam? I heard Maestro’s up to her old tricks again. Thanks for the award and don’t worry, they don’t suspect a thing.
Phew! The Toymaker is banished, and Ianto managed to break into the UNIT HQ computer systems to send that message. How lovely!
Things are returning to normal here again, whatever normal is for an organisation set up to combat alien hostile threats…
Let’s remember why we are here, and give out some more awards!
These are all about reviews! Reviews was as feature we launched in 2024, and it was a big hit! There were 7,046 reviews posted in 2024!
Top 5 most reviews written in 2024
Most-liked review in 2024 was by @JayPea, for The Stuff of Legend Live
Person who liked the most reviews in 2024: @TrakeniteAdventuress who read and liked over 1,750 reviews
Congratulations everyone!!
I thought they’d always been on the site!
It’s hard to imagine TG without them.
Shauny made the feature in a week or so when people started to leave another site.
Yeah it was a feature I quickly added to the site as another reviews website kinda self-destructed into bigotry.
The website which shall not be named [cough]The Time Scales[/cough]
I never intended to add it because I thought it would be a moderation nightmare, but that was back when I was my own and didn’t have an awesome team of mods helping
It is actually crazy how fast you made that new feature.
And it was integrated so seamlessly I didn’t know it was new when I joined and only realized much later!
Thanks for the award! I feel very welcome here after wandering in from the Forbidden Lands
I do intend to eventually move my reviews to here, but damn is that a lot of work (everything of TV Who from Unearthly to Rogue) plus I want to redo my earliest reviews since they’re not up to my later standard.
I’d love to read these, and I’m sure everyone else would too!