I love this
The Vlinx is making a strange noise.
At first, it seemed like he was malfunctioning. I looked nervously towards some of the UNIT staff, but they are all cooing over Rose’s latest stuffed toy (it’s a mini Sutekh) so they haven’t seemed to notice.
There it was again, slightly different this time. The Vlinx is looking in my direction as it makes these noises. I wonder if he needs some an oil change or something.
“Ah”, I smile and walk towards him, “Are you trying to clear your throat to get my attention?”
“Indeed” said the Vlinx, “with varying degrees of success. I may be a hyper-intelligent X-Form Robo-Neuro-Actoform, but I do not possess a larynx.”
“You could have simply called out my name!”
“I have been trying to mimic human behaviour, in my attempt to better fit in. One user in particular has delved deep into the psyche as he contemplated what it means to be a ‘monster’. I would like to give him an award.”
The Most in-depth and thoughtful topic award goes to @realdoctor for his excellent analysis of “What Maketh a ‘Monster’?”!
A well-deserved win.
More of those sort of threads and less off topic diversions about Scandinavia or Capaldi wandering around a castle for 45 minutes is what this forum needs…
Props to the creativity of this
Congratulation for everybody who takes a Win here
The sun is setting on the first day of the TARDIS Guide Awards (yet, weirdly, because of the temporal incursion, it feels like I’ve only been here a few hours).
We are on the helipad at UNIT HQ, looking out over the skyline of London. The city seems to hum with energy, alive with possibilities. It has seen many alien attacks over the decades, and it is always defended.
Kate tells us about all the times that she saved London - with and without the Doctor’s help - and retells some of the stories her father told her too. We all make a toast to the Brigadier.
Which reminds me. We’ve been experiencing all these different stories together for a year now in our various clubs. To round off the first day of celebrations, here are rewards for the most activity in each of our clubs!
TV Club
User with the most posts in the TV Club category:
It’s @Tian! And because he is a mod, it is also awarded to second place, @BillFiler (again!)
Audio Club
User with the most posts in the Audio Club category:
It’s @deltaandthebannermen! (again!), and because he is a mod, it is also awarded to second place, congratulations @DarthGallifrey
Comic Club
User with the most posts in the Comic Club category:
It’s @JayPea! And because he is a mod, it is also awarded to second place, congratulations @MrColdStream!
Book Club
User with the most posts in the Book Club category:
@MrColdStream gets his second award straight away! Well done!!
I hope you have enjoyed this so far, there are many more awards to go so do not fret if you have not yet received one!!
There should be a “biggest defender of Cyberwoman” award. For no particular reason.
What an honor to receive this Tardie! I honestly didn’t expect it, especially not the TV Club one. A huge thanks to everyone who disagreed with me – you’re the reason I’ve written this much! I also want to thank my family for putting up with all the time I’ve spent on this site.
Music starts playing
Wait, what’s with this music? Anyway, a big shoutout to @shauny for…
The music gets louder
Tian continues speaking, but his voice is drowned out by the music
Tian is gently escorted offstage
If I can make anyone think of NPH singing Spice Girls that is a win in my book
Personally, I think there should be an award for people with the best taste in names (ie, anyone who’s named themselves after Nyssa). As with @uss-genderprise, for no particular reason.
Two awards in one day - what an honour.
The Audio Club is such an important part of this forum and I am pleased my heartfelt posting in those threads has been recognised.
And @JayPea - you are not to repeat what I told you at the bar this evening…
Lips sealed! XD
Thank you for this most prestigious award, it’s an honour to be here today to collect it, and thanks to everyone for listening to my insane ramblings. I’d like to use this opportunity to say one thing: Come join Comic Club, they’re criminally underrated!!!
Anyway, I’ve got a comic or two to catch up on for the club!
Two awards in one post - an even bigger honour!
I feel humbled and happy to be a two-time Tardie winner. Thank you all for putting up with my bad jokes, boring reviews, weird rambling and general Finish oddness.
I promise you that I will deliver even more of it during this year!
And I want to apologise to my boss at work for spending so much time on this forum on my employer’s computer. Oops!
Two more people to thank:
@shauny, without whom none of this would have been possible.
And MrsColdstream, who has put up with her husband spending too much time on a Doctor Who forum rather than giving her foot massage. I’m sorry, and I love you. I hope you’re proud of your Tardie-winner hubby.
I still have 14 pages left of my speech, but seeing what happened with @Tian earlier, I better stop here.
See you at the bar! Cheers!
I agree, for no particular reason
I starting to wonder if we should all get union advice before the inevitable disciplinary bearing in mind the number of us who log on at work…
I’m just going to suggest there should be a “created the most emojis for the site” award. Again, for no particular reason…
I was going to suggest a “Best Username Based on the Best Doctor Who Story in the Whoniverse Ever…” award.