TARDIS Guide Awards 2024

The Vlinx is making a strange noise.


At first, it seemed like he was malfunctioning. I looked nervously towards some of the UNIT staff, but they are all cooing over Rose’s latest stuffed toy (it’s a mini Sutekh) so they haven’t seemed to notice.


There it was again, slightly different this time. The Vlinx is looking in my direction as it makes these noises. I wonder if he needs some an oil change or something.


“Ah”, I smile and walk towards him, “Are you trying to clear your throat to get my attention?”

“Indeed” said the Vlinx, “with varying degrees of success. I may be a hyper-intelligent X-Form Robo-Neuro-Actoform, but I do not possess a larynx.”

“You could have simply called out my name!”

“I have been trying to mimic human behaviour, in my attempt to better fit in. One user in particular has delved deep into the psyche as he contemplated what it means to be a ‘monster’. I would like to give him an award.”

The Most in-depth and thoughtful topic award goes to @realdoctor for his excellent analysis of “What Maketh a ‘Monster’?”!