Well yes but there’s stories like this and then stories like the Houdini one which I never want to read again!
What’ll it be today?
Today's item
Today’s story is a return to the Adventure Calendar short stories, which have given our members both agony and ecstasy. “The Frozen” by Rupert Laight (2007) starring the Tenth Doctor.
BBC - Doctor Who - Advent Calendar
Not currently listed on the Guide. [Maybe it should be, along with the 2008 story, Number 1, Gallows Gate Road]
Wiki: The Frozen (short story) - Tardis Wiki
I do hope you didn’t read the VNAs to your children as bedtime stories
I was still a child when I read them!
(well, I was 15 when Timewyrm: Genesys came out).
Well, that explains a lot then…
I’ll add it soon!
That was another really nice story today!
Finished yesterday’s story this evening and that was lovely. There were some beautiful bits of prose within that that, when I get a chance, I may well submit as quotes. Definitely the best of the stories we’ve had so far and a good taster of that collection which I don’t own yet, but may well seek out.
I’ll read through the story when it’s on the guide
A very basic story with an unthreatening antagonist but a very fun and whimsical tone to it.
Ten’s captured well but whilst I don’t mind Mai as a simple, one time companion I do hate when a character is introduced into the world of the Doctor, time travel, and dimensional transcendentalism and their reaction is just a convenient shrug. Same thing happened in Behind You a couple entries earlier.
I liked that okay, but one thing I’d finding during this Advent season…I don’t have much reading time these days. Usually just a little time in the morning to progress on whatever book I’m reading. But now I’m keeping up with Advent-uring, I got no time for my book. I hope it forgives me.
Loved that Wintertime Paradox story! I love Dave Rudden’s writing. Just look at this:
The TARDIS spun. Outside, whole aeons flew by. Flocks of minutes whirled like spooked sparrows. Centuries pattered like raindrops against the doors.
The inside of the TARDIS was just as complicated as the vortex swirling around it. The Time Lords had built the TARDISes, but it was more accurate to say they had grown them. Planting a seed didn’t mean you knew where every bud would bloom or where each vine would curl.
I love his way with details. It makes the universe feel so magical. It’s similar to what I love about James Goss’ writing, or even Paul Magrs’. Small things that make the world of Who sparkle.
Halfway through!
Create a Doctor Who Christmas Card. This could be a picture, or a short bit of text that might be in the card. How would a time traveler summarize a year?
Feel free to work through previous items if you need to. Thanks for sticking with me
This one looks interesting…
I’ll be sure to give it a go!
On the front is, of course, a picture of Jeff, and the words
wHo wHo wHo
With some scattered question marks. Inside the quote
All right fine. Yes, it’s me. Ha. Guilty. How did you recognize me?
Maybe a little note at the bottom
Be sure to save some room for a tangerine.
I finally read A Day to Yourselves and I agree that it is a well-written and thoughtful little piece that gets Nine just right!
Love it!
12 characters? If I put in a bunch of different Doctors, can I get to 12 characters that way, or does it still only count as 1 character?
(just goofing around, don’t need an answer on that)