Sit on the sofa all wrapped up in the duvet with the dog on my lap, a hot drink, and Doctor Who on the TV.
This is something that has become so much harder with small kids. To dress them before kindergarten is a battle, I would choose to take on a Dalek every day if I had the choice. There are so many clothes and layers!
I honestly kind of miss it now my youngest is six years old and does all of that stuff himself
Putting on all that wool for their naps outside in the pram at winter My middle child always pulled off his socks and stuck his feet outside of the pram no matter how cold it was
I love winter time
In case you missed it (I did at first glance, it was in the synopsis but I’ve moved it now) here is the web link for that story to read online for free:
Well, if the poll hadn’t already decided what my next short story collection would be, this definitely has
That’s a really moving story, I enjoyed it a lot! I liked seeing more of the emotional state of the ninth doctor, because that is so central to his character but rarely explored.
When it gets cold, I wear so many layers and bundle up with blankets and a hot water bottle, depending on how cold it is. Last winter, when it was -10°C outside and my heating broke, I even slept with gloves and a hat.
When I was young, I used to go out and play in the snow.
Now all I can do is go out and stand in the rain.
What cold?
I know the cold has arrived when I start wearing a scarf. That always makes me feel warmer.
I’m a demon for leaving the heating off till the last possible day when winter hits - just put on another layer. But I’ve usually given in my mid-November.
I do have the radiator by my desk turned up high though because that’s someone else’s money…
I’m a ‘shorts and singlet in the middle of winter’ kind of person, but also know that Queensland ‘winters’ are probably what pass for summer time at higher latitudes lol. Despite living in Satan’s Armpit™, I struggle A Lot in the heat, so appreciate the fact that my workplace has to be kept at around 20C or under because x-ray/CT machines, much like myself, overheat very easily. Plus, it’s so much easier to cope with colder temps (just put on more layers) than hotter ones.
I’ll say again in the review but wow, that was brilliant, I loved this story and highly recommend to any and all fans of Nine.
A Day to Yourselves - 9/10 (Spoilers)
CONTENT WARNING: Brief discussion on themes of Suicide
Okay that was just beautiful and brilliantly written, I had to stop three times in the middle of reading to add quotes!
Nine is definitely the doctor with the most trauma, War is up there but he never has a chance to stop and think, where Nine is always on the run not because he has to be, but because he can’t let himself stop. The idea that even future versions of himself can’t force him to stop despite their best efforts is great and absolutely in-keeping with his character.
Generally his characterisation here is just done perfectly. The TARDIS forcing him to take it slow and clean up the broken mirrors himself is a great moment for him and it, and there’s a careless disregard for his own life shown here. When Eleven showed up to stop the cult he had a plan, Nine just showed up without one. There’s also the moment when he jumps off the top of a building, of course he’s saved by its security measures, but you almost get the sense that he wouldn’t care if he wasn’t.
And then there’s the ending, leading brilliantly into Rose (Or some of the 9DAs depending how you want to read the timeline), giving him back his purpose.
I loved this story and highly recommend to any and all fans of Nine.
As for how I cope with the cold, wrap up nice and warm, throw on a heater, and have a nice cup of tea. Lemon and Ginger is the preferred at the moment, but I’ve got a tea advent calendar!
That’s a great review!
Seeing as you enjoyed the story, I highly recommend reading the rest of the collection, in order.
It’s really good!
Many thanks for the link @shauny!
‘I’d even settle for Adric,’ the Doctor said glumly.
What an amazing piece of a short story. I love how well it characterization the Doctor here and just… breathtakingly good, I’d say. Probably my new favorite, of the ones, we have gone through. There is a lot to love here.
And hmm not sure how to cope with the cold, I actually prefer it cold, but when it gets too cold, I would probably wrap myself a little with a blanket and/or get some warmer clothes on.
I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any new Advent Calender posts, and then I realised I accidentally had the topic muted
Looking forward to all the new stories!
I’m Gonna Spend My Christmas with a Dalek is a classic… a painful classic…
The plan for dealing with cold is as follows:
Wear a onesie
Wear an Oodie
Wrap self in blanket
Wrap self in blanket
Wrap self in blanket
Wrap self in blanket
Wrap self in blanket (repeat if needed)
This might also work, however, I do not recommend it!
God, I love Dave Rudden. I’ve already read Twelve Angels Weeping and loved it and so, having meant to have read The Wintertime Paradox for ages now, this was a really good time.
A super fun read, with some really neat ideas and a devastatingly emotional backbone - everything Rudden does best.
I don’t “cope” with the cold.
I embrace it. Become one with it. Become the cold.
If that doesn’t work, I usually use a blanket.
Just read the short story and agree with the comments here, it’s a brilliant one!
I may pick up that book at some point, I had worried before that it might be aimed at children but nope it’s a good one!
You do know this is a website about Doctor Who, don’t you…