TARDIS Guide Advent Calendar 2024

The ultimate question: does a Time Lord count as 1 character or 13?

And… If we have 26 incarnations of the Doctor, do they count as 1 Time Lord or 26 or… 2?


Link to the card on Etsy (I ‘stole’ it for the thread as I’m not this type of talented!)


used my somewhat existing photoshop skills to make this



I’m not sure I’ve ever written a Christmas card. I suppose some things you need to practice.

Day 12 Item

Dear Sarah Jane,
I enjoyed catching up with you the other day. You were old, and I am older. (Don’t look a day over 700!). Had a couple run-ins with the Daleks this year, but beat them, as always. It’s reassuring that even with constant change, some things stay the same, like robot dog design. How is K9? Is he being a good dog? Tell him he is a good dog. Good dogs, all of them.

If you get lonely in your old age, you could consider asking for some of my acquaintances. I have a lot of friends running around twentieth to twentieth century Earth. If you do become friends with someone who knows me, though, don’t tell me, because a slight chance exists that I have not met them yet.
Well, I don’t know when I’ll run into you again, but since I traverse nearly all points, I will run into you for Christmas eventually. Try to forget any elements of the card that have not happened to you yet. There have been enough paradoxes this year without adding any more. Fortunately, I usually run out of patience before I write too many Christmas cards.



Hopefully we avoid bad luck for Christmas.

Today's item

Thanks to @Tian , (and Johnathan Morris, the author) we get another Fourth Doctor story! This is your excuse to not forget to read it.
“The Clanging Chimes of Doom” by Johnathan Morris
Under Three Hundred: Chimes

(The author also suggests that you make a donation to charity if you liked the story)


Bad luck?! Speaking as someone who was born on a Friday the 13th, and whose best friend is celebrating his own birthday on this Friday the 13th, why are you avoiding me???

Hmmm…that didn’t come out right. Anyway, today’s item seems familiar somehow.


Catching up!

Added this to the site, go rate it! https://tardis.guide/story/the-frozen/
(I wonder who wrote it?)

I also added “Number 1, Gallows Gate Road”, is that a future Advent Day treat?

I haven’t read these yet, will try and catch up!

Love the Xmas cards!


As I previously stated, the story “The Frozen” is written by Rupert Laight.

Do you think it would be possible to add the stories to the beginning of the Adventure Calendar set?


LOL sorry I must have been sleepy because I literally quoted you saying who wrote it… dunno what happened there.

Both added to the Adventure Calendar set!


I tried to work out if you were making some sort of joke.

But no. You were just being an idiot…



Haha I was adding it and I’m SURE “writer” was blank on the Wiki.


Where’s the badge for that? I think we all deserve one for messing up the latest Elimination Game!


Is that really a badge you want?


Any badge is a good badge!


Read and enjoyed this one. I will have to catch up on the others I missed.


It’s been a while, life got the better off me so I couldn’t really find the motivation to do the last few items, sooo catching up on it:

  1. I think the Story is solid. Ten is well characterized here, and I like the dialogue, it’s very simple and compared to some other entries doesn’t overstay its welcome. I think Mai is a fine enough one off Companion, but feels a bit dull in places (her reaction to the World of the Doctor is pretty bland and boring). Overall solid enough.

  2. Ah! This one is a lovely Idea, sadly I am not fantastic at photoshopping something (would probably just use the Screenshot from the Feast of Steven with the Doctor shouting “Merry Christmas” and add a Christmas Text to it) So I will just the Route, @Iwebb went so here have a little Letter written from Mel (I tried my best)


Dear Doctor,
it’s been such a long since I’ve seen. You haven’t really messaged me, but then again, you are probably busy saving the World from Daleks of the Rani again. Anyways, it’s getting close to Christmas, at least where I am staying, pretty sure for you, it’s all “Relative Mel” with a long rolled Rrrr (Sorry couldn’t resist!). So far travelling alone has been lovely, although I do miss my Tardis Room (hopefully you didn’t use it to put all your rainbow coats at, I know you did with this uhh Turlogh Bloke’s Room…). Yes… Before you asked I am often driving away from the point, don’t I?
Welll… I just wanted to let you know that everything has been alright for me, saved some Places, found myself on this Planet called Trenzalore for a short while (did you know they have a Place called Christmas there?!) and so on. As I said, quite lovely, even if I would like a more comfortable Bed.
Hopefully this message reaches you someday and hopefully in the same face, we don’t want you to change again, do we?
Merry Christmas!

your Melanie Bush!

  1. Really lovely Story, while it’s not hitting the Notes I may want, I must admit any Story with Romana 2 and 4 is good in my Books. The Dialogue is as lovely as ever with Morris and I love the Idea, while I wish it got more expanded, what we got was pretty fun!

Okayyy I think that’s all the ones I missed, love seeing what others had to say and love all the Christmas Cards here!


I’ve just realised we didn’t have #14. Everything okay @lwebb?


I was looking for it too. Hope all is well




Let’s start reading Snowfall (Chapters 1 and 2)
An item from the 2010 Adventure Calendar.
Snowfall · Adventure Calendar · TARDIS Guide
Snowfall (novel) - Tardis Wiki