Similar to what we did last Monday, let’s watch a video! This one will be a fan video from a Youtube Channel I sometimes enjoy called Doctor Who Sings.
Fun Fact: This song doesn’t get played in America. (Although I did hear it once)
Before I open Door Number 9 - (ooh, Inside No 9!) a comment on peace in Doctor Who.
I think the show’s approach to this is probably best summed up by the Doctor’s line at the end of Warriors of the Deep.
‘There should have been another way’. Peace is something that the Silurian stories in particular see the Doctor strive to achieve, ultimately always being thwarted - usually by the intolerance of humans.
I’m a little behind due to life and other similar things but here’s my thoughts on the last couple days.
A very by-the-numbers story with the fun idea of the Doctor saving the day by doing a pantomime. However, he’s stuck with a pile of exposition in the shape of a person named Ceri, who really began to grate on me. There’s some nice imagery though.
This is fun. I wonder how exactly they managed to do this, can’t have been a brief task.
I feel like this was written on some very strong acid.
(Do Daleks have “big toes”? What does a Dalek toe look like? On second thought, don’t answer that last one)
Hi @kevinwho. No, I’m not Maltese but my bestie married a Maltese man and moved to Malta.
I visit roughly once a year, and I’m staying at the moment.
Are there other traditions you can add from what your parents shared? There seems to be a wealth of them.
Pretty sweet little video there! I prefer some of their other entries compared to this, but I respect and appreciate the work that went into this! (I also totally not recognized the Song, I guess over here it’s more obscure then?)
Now for the Dalek Song… all I am saying, it’s worse than Doctor in Distress!
I’m still on day 8.
Occasionally you see the Doctor holding a gun. When they do it’s always very shocking and I’ve always considered it contra to their character before. But now, reading through the comments, I can see how, sometimes, you need violence to maintain peace.
Now this on the other hand is… lets just say it’s something and leave it at that
The comments are great though
This is simultaneously the weirdest and greatest part of Dalekmania
The Dalek singing in this was confined to the Asylum, yes.
I’d prefer to have a few Ood over for a glass of cider, but to each his own.
This has happened so many times. First the Daleks pretend to be your friend, and then once you’ve been suckered in, then you get killed. Tragic. I guess that’s why the song was cut off at the end.
Love the Doctor Who Sings videos! I’ve watched a few previously, but not this one. It’s such meticulous work behind them, I’m impressed!
As for the Dalek song - well, it’s very 60s, and it’s very charming in a way, but I’m a bit worried for anyone who decides to spend their Christmas with a Dalek…
Oh heck, my parents never shared any Maltese traditions. Heck, my Mom’s ancestry is somewhat mutt-European, mostly German, so Maltese is just from my father’s side.
I think the traditions had probably been abandoned by my time. The only tradition I recall my father telling me they observed was the Feast of the Seven Fishes. I got the sense he didn’t like that at all. Apparently my grandmother only cooked fish one way, I think lemon and olive oil, and he didn’t like it that way. He didn’t develop a taste for fish until adulthood.
I hope to get my butt to Malta someday, just to see the place. I’ve never been.
I put on warm clothes, make myself a huge cup of tea, sometimes with something stronger in it and sometimes not, swear a little and wait it out. I tell you that the constant darkness is worse though.