I think that one is notoriously difficult to find.
It is included in the Time Out of Mind graphic novel
I think that one is notoriously difficult to find.
It is included in the Time Out of Mind graphic novel
I have it! I can send you a copy if you want
I read it by looking at youtube reviews of it that showed the pages and then read it through that lmao
Aww that is too kind. I’ll just get the Time Out of Mind graphic novel is only £8 on kindle and it expands on the FCBD story. The free comics are often pretty brief so I’ll probably appreciate an expansion!
Thank you <3
I’ll always be calling it “Doctor Who and the Silurians”!
For anyone who has not used a Kindle unlimited subscription before there are several comic collections you can get for free as part of a 30 day free trial (usual price £8 a month). You can cancel the trial straight away and it still lasts a month. You can get the Kindle app on your phone or tablet, so don’t worry about owning a Kindle.
Each collection has multiple stories in it. If you spent a month reading these your character tracker would be looking hench (and you’d have had a good introduction to the comics).
The Tenth Doctor Archives Vol. 1
The Tenth Doctor Archives Vol. 2
The Tenth Doctor Archives Vol. 3
The Eleventh Doctor Archives Vol. 1
The Ninth Doctor Vol. 1
The Tenth Doctor Vol. 1
The Tenth Doctor Vol. 2
The Tenth Doctor Vol. 3
The Eleventh Doctor Vol. 1
The Eleventh Doctor Vol. 2
The Twelfth Doctor Vol. 1
The Twelfth Doctor Vol. 2
Ghost Stories Vol. 1
Not a free story, but I also have to rave about the new Fifteenth Doctor story from Titan Comics (4 issues £1.90 each). A seminal story - I can’t stop thinking about it!!
I also liked that one a lot!
It would have to be by marriage, as Jackie took Pete’s last name.
Ah, right, makes sense.
My favourite Doctor Who story EVER.
LOVE this one to bits!
There it is! The War Games as it should be enjoyed!
Weird that they decided to remove the colour, but I guess adding back the deleted scenes is nice
RIGG: Your people knew it would be on board, did they?
DOCTOR: What, my people?
RIGG: Well, you’re an agent, aren’t you?
DOCTOR: No! I’m the Doctor. I keep telling you that.
RIGG: Yes, but who do you work for?
DOCTOR: Work for? I don’t work for anybody. I’m just having fun.
RIGG: Everybody works for somebody.
If anyone’s wondering why I haven’t posted any new Classic serials being posted to the Doctor Who: Classic channel for a bit, that’s not for lack of my checking for them…
The live stream is still there, though, even if it’s not live, so anyone that wants to watch season 17 can.