Spooky Season Movie Marathon!

Every October I try to watch as many horror movies as I can!

From classic horror that I haven’t gotten around to seeing, to new releases, and everything in between! It’s become an annual thing that I do!

So here I’ll post about movies I’ve been watching - feel free to post about any horror movies you’ve been watching too!



Here is my Letterboxd account where I keep track of movies I need to see!

It’s sorted by highest rating, which is the order I try to watch things. Also sometimes I sort by length so I can watch something short if I don’t have long.

Let me know if there are any here that you really recommend I seek out!


I opened the link and the first movie I saw (after Whatever Happened to Baby Jane which deserves its praise, although I didn’t think it was nearly as horrifying as people make it out to be) was Videodrome. Do I have to talk about Six in every conversation? Yes.

If you like Vengeance on Varos, I recommend Videodrome. I watched that film on a whim one day before I ever touched the Sixth Doctor’s era, and when I was watching VoV for the first time my immediate thought was—“this is just Videodrome lol”. It’s basically the same concept (right down to the mental trippyness/abstract sci-fi elements, and starting off by showing a person being tortured on camera for a TV audience). But it goes without saying the film is more graphic.


You’ve got some really good stuff there. I watched Suspiria (the 1977 version) last month– absolutely captivating!


Currently watching

Really great atmosphere.


It Follows has a great concept and spooky atmosphere but I rated it 3.5 and can’t remember how it ended so it can’t have left that much of an impression on me :cry:


Watched John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness today after I realised that The Thing is my favourite film and I’d only seen two other Carpenter movies.

And that is a man who gets it, the closest thing we have to a Stephen King of the film industry.


I’m not really into horror films although I have watched a fair few. My favourite franchise will always be Scream and last year I watched the three-part Fear Street trilogy on Netflix which was pretty good.

I know it’s not technically a film, but The League of Gentlemen Hallowe’en special is one of the best TV programmes out there and properly chilling too.

Another superb TV horror is Ghostwatch - that’s one which terrified me at the time (till the rather silly climax).

And a different sort of horror - but the most terrifying thing ever committed to film and the images of which will live, seared into my mind forever more - Threads. Never ever ever want to watch that ever again.


This was OK. Very rare for a slasher movie to be written & directed by women at the time - Exec Producer Roger Corman was always quite progressive in that regard. It was originally supossed to be a parody but was made more serious though there are some comedic moments. Feels a bit like a tv movie at times but some strong female characters that don’t rely on men to help them.


I’m not sure if I’m watching any movies for Halloween, but I’m sure I could suggest some!

How about “The Worst Witch”?


I watched that when it first came out, it was pretty good!

But I must admit that my favourite type of horror is psychological horror, I’m not super into slasher-style stuff like Scream.

Hehe I used to watch that when I was younger! Think I had it on VHS and watched it a lot.


This is obviously the most appropriate movie for this time of the year. :crazy_face:


Tim Curry just absolutely kills it in any role he’s in, so it definitely caught my attention…


I really enjoyed this one, stylish, non-linear narrative, great performances. I suggest watch knowing as little as possible however I will give a trigger warning, it contains scenes of BDSM that some may find uncomfortable.


What a great night out at the BFI watching one of my favourite Hammer movies, Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde. Every time I see it I love it more - playful, suspenseful & not as exploitative as it might have been. Sam Clemens, son of writer Brian, was there along with Sister Hyde herself Martine Beswick to talk about the film. Great fun.


Absolutely not horror or even spooky, but Halloween-adjacent: I rewatched Elvira, Mistress of the Dark the other day and it’s such a delight.

“Remember me by two simple words… any two words, as long as they’re simple.”


Last year, I watched Halloween (1978) for the very first time - and loved it.

This year, I’m going to watch Friday the 13th (1980) for the first time. Today, actually! I hope I like it as well, as I’m not big on horror films and slashers in general.


Sam Clemens does directing for BF doesn’t he?


It was only a couple years ago, when I first started my October tradition, that I first watched Halloween and Friday the 13th.

I think you have to keep in mind the time it was made, and then it’s very enjoyable!

But as a Doctor Who fan, that’s me teaching grandmother how to suck eggs! (Such a weird saying…)


Oh, just had a look yeah there’s a Samuel Clemens who directs for BF. Gotta be the same one.

So much fun seeing these older movies on the big screen. There was also another cast member in the audience, & Caroline Munro who left a lasting impression on a young monkeyshaver in films like At the Earths Core, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, the wonderful Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter (which I will be watching this month) & of course The Spy Who Loved Me :heart: