Signs Your Family Don't Understand Your Doctor Who Obsession

I thought this would be quite a funny topic for a thread. What are some signs that your family don’t understand your Doctor Who obsession? Those little things that they say when they bring up your favourite show and make you think ‘Wow, they really don’t get it’?

For me, it was my brother today criticizing my buying habits. He asked me what the parcel was that had arrived today and I said it was two more Big Finish box sets. He asked me how many more Big Finish audios I need because I have tons of them, and I was quite defensive. I was like ‘I love Big Finish!’


The look on their faces when I enter the room with the line…

“It is I, Soldeeeed!” :laughing:



The look on their faces when they answer a question and I reply, in clipped tones, with…

“Thank you! That is what I wanted to know!”



Well, this isn’t exactly what you were asking but…

My wife isn’t into sci-fi at all. She’s never watched Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who or any other sci-fi franchise.

She also strongly dislikes franchises that recast their main actors, because she’s a person who grows very attached to the original casts of things.

Which is why she doesn’t like the James Bond movies, for instance.

Not to mention Doctor Who.

The main reason I haven’t been able to persuade her to at least try an episode or two is that Doctor Who is a sci-fi show that keeps recasting its main actors at regular intervals. I’ve tried explaining to her that it’s part of the show’s DNA and that there’s an in-universe reason for the recasts, but she doesn’t get it.


I swear whenever I’m in my car with my brother and he decides to take the scenic route back to the house, I should say “We’re going home…the long way round?”


And you’re still married why?



It’s amazing how often, in normal conversation, Doctor Who quotes just… fit. I can’t help myself much of the time. I’ve even found myself doing this during lectures. I don’t think a student has ever cottoned on… yet!


My family say that every time I have a conersation it always gets brought back to Doctor Who, meaning I’m apparently draining to talk to.

Was enthusing to my mam about how good this story was, explaining how ‘The Lost Stories’ worked and the history of Moris Farhi’s stories.

Pretty much got told I was giving her a headache :frowning:


We are in desperate need of that “Fans with partners that won’t watch Doctor Who” support group! :cry:

I have at least got my wife to watch the Daniel Craig Bond movies - it helped that Mads Mikkelsen :denmark: was in the first of those :grin: But shje won’t watcsh Sj-ean Connery with me…


To be fair to your mum, I start to zone out when my eldest starts going on about something they’re obsessed by - and that includes when they start talking about Doctor Who. So I can identify with your mum - the writing career of Moris Farhi is fairly obscure. It’s like a niche within a niche within a niche!

But then I also glaze over when my in-laws start talking about cars or money or supermarkets.


I’m obviously really lucky with my wife (as you all are with your partners because you wouldn’t be with them otherwise) because she loves a lot of the same stuff as me and even has some geeky shows I don’t watch - like she’s watched all of Bad Batch, is working her way through DS9, watched The Dragon Prince with our eldest and was watching some weird anime thing last night.

But then I also watch some horror-themed shows she wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.


Yeah, I bring Doctor Who into every conversation. It’s not my fault that Doctor Who is somehow always relevant for every situation :grinning:


That you are :wink:

Well my wife and I had our 22 anniversary two days ago (15 years married) so we must be doing something right :blush:

But then we’ve got three sons that all like sci-fi and fantasy so I am predicting a lot of Doctor Who on our screen in the future :grin:


I literally don’t know anyone near me that even likes Doctor Who :weary:

I have a friend who likes it a lot but he lives hundreds of miles away.

I used to have a friend I watched it with over the Internet because he lived in Japan but he stopped enjoying it at Series 5, never even finished Series 6 (so I never got to show him Day of the Doctor).

My husband is fed up of it taking over my life lol.

It’s pretty much the reason I made this site, so I have people to talk to about my obsession :laughing:


That’s a great question! Obviously, I’m still hoping to turn her one day! It’s my mission in life :laughing:

Oh yes, this would be a very important group!

Any movie with Mads or Sean us worth watching!

Congratulations on your anniversary! My wife and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary in two weeks :tada:


the blank look my family give me whenever i try and explain big finish always sends me


My family are all very worried about my spending habits following my introduction into Big Finish.

The faces I get when I tell them how much I spend on the audios is honestly priceless.


Oh! And someone I know (she’s kind of my daughter-in-law but they aren’t going to get married), is currently studying voice acting and I said wow you should try to get a job with Big Finish! She said “I want to do video games and animation”.



This is definitely something my family would relate to. I pinpoint events to years in which Doctor Who was broadcast, and even when individual episodes aired. I suppose, with the breadth of space and time as well as 61 years of storytelling, it’s hardly surprising people like us can pretty much link anything to Doctor Who!

As a wise Time Lord once said:

“I’m not saying things are connected and yet… things connect!”



“Eighth Doctor: I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren’t there.”