The “Range” section has been on my mind for a while – it’s a very useful feature for sorting stories in my experience, as I make my way through different sub-franchises and look to see what else is out there. Still, though, there’s some strange organization decisions here and there, and after I expressed interest in helping, Shauny’s spurred me on to give my thoughts on the forum and ask others’ opinions.
Here’s what the “Range” section looks like now on the All Stories tab:
The first thing I notice is the order. It looks like the ranges are roughly in order of story count, but this gets less consistent as we approach the bottom of the list. Story count is a pretty solid way to handle it in theory, though! I like that. There’s one main exception I’d make, which is to put the BBC TV spinoffs (Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Class) near the top, right below Worlds. Having River Song above Sarah Jane Adventures just feels… strange.
There’s also two odd ones out in this list – BBV and Reeltime. These are companies, so why are they being touted in the same category as spinoffs? To me at least the stories would make more sense to split off into UNIT, Worlds, etc where appropriate. Hell, maybe a unique range for all the P.R.O.B.E. stuff, seems that’s got quite the dedicated fanbase in this community
Then there’s the biggest question on my mind, that of which ranges even merit their own spot on this list. “Worlds” is a lovely catch-all, but some of the things that are and aren’t in their own list is confusing. For instance, there’s all the Master series – a “Master” range could make sense, but that’s all bundled into Worlds. Iris Wildthyme also comes to mind. Or, to give an example of a series that’s been in conversation lately, the Gallifrey audios! Meanwhile, some things with not too many stories (namely Unbound, and maybe Paternoster Gang) get their own range. Methinks there should be some kind of cutoff for when non-TV ranges get their own TARDIS Guide category – maybe number of releases or just number of stories?
How “Worlds” works is also a probable point of contention. Stories on the Guide can be marked with multiple ranges – should “Worlds” be a catchall for anything that isn’t in the Doctor Who franchise, including things that also have their own range categories on the Guide, or should it be a catchall just for things that don’t already have a unique range category? So far, most stories in other ranges are also marked Worlds, but there’s a decent few that aren’t.
And on a final note, more as housekeeping than anything else. There’s some strange organizations for already-existing ranges here and there – why are the Candy Jar books all in the Worlds range, as opposed to UNIT? (Granted I don’t know much about these books so there could be something here I’m missing.) And, there’s more Paternoster Gang–centered stories in Worlds than there are in the Paternoster Gang range, including many of the audios… and some miscellaneous oddities like an Eighth Doctor Time War story being in Worlds and not Doctor Who like the rest of its boxset.
(I also think the Audio Visuals might do well to be in the Doctor Who range given things like the Dr. Who movies are, but that’s probably more contentious.)
This is mostly me soapboxing, so I’d love to hear other opinions . Are there changes I’m suggesting that you disagree with, things I’ve missed, etc? Let’s start a discussion!