By the way, @PalindromeRose: a great review of Leviathan! I’m not quite as positive about it as you are, but you helped me realise some of its strengths better than before!
Easiest choice I’ve ever made. I wont spoil too much - I need somethng to keep back for the review - but you can definitely tell that the writer originates from a comic book background. One of the most visual ‘Lost Stories’ out there. An animation would be superb!
#1.04. The Hollows of Time
BigFinish really need to stop hiring Christopher Bidmead. You would’ve thought they’d learnt their lesson after that turd he created (‘Renaissance of the Daleks’) but apparently not!
Feel free to let me know what you think of this episode - or my review - below. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Actually, that would be a joyful thing!
I agree with yourself and @realdoctor that it would be an excellent idea, but I’m not sure how well it would go down within the fandom.
I’ve got mixed feelings on the Celestial Toymaker animation, and I know it’s had a pretty marmite reaction overall. Not bad by any means, just needs refined.
Conversely, I’ve seen mainly praise for the Toymaker animation especially from people who weren’t sold on the trailer. I think it’s excellent.
I would agree with @deltaandthebannermen here. Despite a deluge of naysaying post trailer release, the overwhelming response to the finished article seems to have been much more positive. A much better reception, for example, than the ‘Underwater Menace’ animation.
I tell you what I’d love to see even more than ‘The Nightmare Fair’ in that style though?
I know it’s a Companion Chronicle and don’t expect it ever to happen, but it would be good. Hey, we’re all entitled to dream! It’s a great story.