I thought it could be fun to have a thread where we can talk and post about new stuff as we receive it.
I just received this beaut of a used book in the mail:
Can’t wait to give it a read

I thought it could be fun to have a thread where we can talk and post about new stuff as we receive it.
I just received this beaut of a used book in the mail:
OOoooo nice!!
Looks interesting. Is it a story or behind-the-scene stuff?
It’s a bit of both actually
Like “The Time Lord Letters” there are letters written by and to the Doctor, in universe articles about what happened in stories, post cards a recipe for carrot juice and all such good stuff.
Like a letter from Ian to the Doctor hinting that he and Barbara are getting married
As well as a short description of each Doctor’s era with small pieces of behind the scenes information from actors and writers.
It looks SO good
These arrived last week. I’m looking forward to starting them (once I’ve finished reading the Deviant Strain).
I really must check my local second-hand book shop for Doctor Who novels, I got my collection of Star Trek novels there at a very good price.
That’s of no use in Denmark. If you aren’t interested in moody Nordic murder mysteries you may as well just not go in
It’s not much use here, either. The entire collection was sold by one person and they’ve been trying to get rid of it for years! I got the entire collection at half the already discounted price because they were so desperate to clear up the space. So there’s always a chance someone else’s grandmother passed away and left a collection of Doctor Who novels for me to pick up as well, haha.
Same here in Sweden. No Who in anywhere.
I love my pinball but got a sweet deal on mine.
I very much enjoyed that book! Apart from photoshopping Clara’s face onto a bunch of Classic Who characters lol
Those two Sixth Doctor novels are really good imo! The second half of Time of Your Life had me tenser than I’d been any time before reading a Who book, and Killing Ground might just be the best exploration of the Cybermen in the franchise (although I think I prefer the VNA Iceberg as a story with Cybermen in it).
Oooo, that’s exciting to hear! They’ll be my first proper foray into the Virgin novels (outside of the handful of Big Finish adaptations I’ve listened to). I mostly got them because I’m a big sixth doctor fan, and I was interested to see how the EU was tackling the character before Colin himself got involved with Big Finish. I was especially intrigued by the new companion figure accompanying him, as I’ve not really experienced prose exclusive companions before.
Arrived this morning, for the costume I’m making my daughter. Just need to quick-unpick the military patches and sew on the appropriate replacements.
You have to show us how it looks when you are done!
Of course!