Movie time

A thread for movie discussion. What have you seen lately? What are your favourite movies, genres, actors?

I’m preparing myself to enter the Stalked By My Doctorverse starring Eric Roberts(!) Wish me luck.


Monday night me and my partner watched Dune 2. Last night we watched Poor Things.

Watching them realise that in Dune 2 Paul is the ‘bad’ guy was really satisfying.

Poor things was bloody brilliant, but i do love twisted weird films… my partner is still salty for making them watch it haha.


Good luck!

My wife and I watched Boiling Point (2021) a couple of days ago. It’s shot in real time as one continuous shot and it’s surprisingly engaging, well-made and well-acted. I later realised that one of the leads is played by Vinette Robinson, better known to us Doctor Who fans as Rosa Parks!


We took our two kids to see Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire over the Easter break. It was only last year we introduced them to the original movies (my eldest had always hated anything even slightly scary in films but now, at 15, they are made of stronger stuff). They loved them and Afterlife was on Netflix so we went almost straight to that. Not long after we saw the trailer for Frozen Empire when we went to see Wonka (a superb film) and all decided it would be a definite Easter treat to see it on the big screen.

We enjoyed it but there are far too many characters!


I recently watched Late Night with the Devil, a horror movie on Shudder, it was pretty good


Living in London I’m quite lucky (well apart from everything being so expensive) that I can get to go to the London Film Festival. I saw Poor Things there last year which was excellent. & Late Night with the Devil which was good but a bit disappointed by the use of AI.

Boilng Point was also great, I love Stephen Graham. There’s a tv show spin-off that’s also good.


I thought Poor Things was excellent!!

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I heard about this AI issue but haven’t seen any details as to what bothered people. What happened?

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Some of the artwork for the 70s idents of the TV show within the film were AI generated.


Oh another opportunity for me to tell everyone to go watch Adult Life Skills! Jodie Whittaker is the lead and it made me bawl my eyes out on multiple occasions.


A great movie & she is so good in it


Went back to my teens last night and watched “GoldenEye” must have watched this movie more than 50 times during my teens.
Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Judi Dench, Desmond Llewellyn, Robbie Coltrane, an out-of-control Famke Janssen and Samantha Bond (there’s the Who-link).
This felt like coasting on a wave of pure nostalgia.


Me and my Aunt would go the pictures once a month as my Uncle didn’t like going. The last time we went together we saw Goldeneye. RIP Aunty Marion. So for me there is a real love/hate relationship with that film.

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This reminds me: we should have Sean Bean on Doctor Who. He would of course play a villain who wouldn’t make it to the end of the episode because Sean Bean dies in everything he is in.

GoldenEye is a top-tier Bond movie! One of my favourites!

We watched the miniseries after finishing the movie. It’s good but not as good as the film!

Yes, Poor Things is wildly fun. Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe are criminally good in it!


I went to a preview screening of the tv show.


Went to see Frozen Empire recently, very much enjoyed it, as I can really see myself in Phoebe
Additionally, rewatched Heathers because it is, in fact, the peak of cinema

Went to the cinema to see Ghostbusters the other day. It was the first time in ages, we never really had any time to go, but can see us going more again now as we went with friends and really enjoyed it.

Talking about movies, I’m also on Letterboxd - what can I say, I love to track things! Add me if you like :+1:


Oh but I was way to harsh on my ratings for Classic Who on there… :crazy_face:


i also watched Late Night With the Devil this week and am apparently in the minority on being a little disappointed. if nothing else i think they could’ve dropped the found-footage conceit cuz it doesn’t really stick with it. too much non-diagetic stuff happening. admittedly i did immediately start comparing it in my mind to Noroi: The Curse which is about as solid a found-footage horror movie as you can get so maybe my standards are too high lol.

Also watched Monkey Man last night and loved it!!! highly recommend if you like John Wick style action movies and can handle a lot of gore hehe

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One of my most anticipated movies of 2024.