Does anybody else here build their own Doctor Who MOCs, or own the official LEGO Ideas set? Are there any budding LEGO photographers out there? I would love to see some examples!
Here is one of my earlier builds to get going:
Does anybody else here build their own Doctor Who MOCs, or own the official LEGO Ideas set? Are there any budding LEGO photographers out there? I would love to see some examples!
Here is one of my earlier builds to get going:
Some have been posted below. You in for a treat.
Oh thank you! Been looking for a LEGO thread here, as you can probably tell
Your LEGO builds and photos are a million times better than mine haha
Haha thanks. I’d love to see more of yours!
Although you know me as Autography on instagram
Aah of course. I realised it was you from Mastodon too
Like The Master, you can’t escape me, I keep randomly popping up everywhere
Yeeeeah I’m not dissimilar
At last, I have a Library for my (unofficial) River Song LEGO minifigure!
I could also use these official ones but I don’t like the uncanny valley of it not quite being LEGO:
Here are my Doctor Who minifigures!
They are mostly from (referral link) but some of them I’ve designed myself and sourced the parts.
Can you get all the little references?
I have more too but they are to go with my sets. I’ll share those another time
Edit: new image, more figures!
THese are really fun, that 4th doctor line up especially!
That’s either Lisa the Cyberwoman, or Danny Pink. Is that Clara next to him? What’s with the hair!
It’s Cyberwoman. And that’s supposed to be Gwen and Captain Jack! (he has a fun and a banana, thanks to the Doctor…)
Oh whoops I forgot to put the Fourteenth Doctor, Donna, and the Toymaker here. They are in another separate area at the moment.
Ha I actually thought it was Danny and was being facetious - but I did wonder why Jack would be next to Clara!
Loving Bok but is that the Minotaur from Time Monster or your poor attempt at a Nimon (as it’s standing next to Romana…)
And what’s that next to Nardole?
Love tha Bel and Vinder made the cut (I assume that’s who they are).
Probably the Veil from Heaven Sent?
Updated the image! Added a few more, have another look.
Yes it’s the Veil from the best episode ever!!
poor attempt at a Nimon
Yes, best I can do given the circumstances lol. Would probably make a better Minotaur since that’s what the figure is.
Love that Bel and Vinder made the cut
Errr no, where are you looking?