I don’t want to get into this, but I’m begging people on the internet to stop using that word. Zionism is a concept with so much nuance and almost no one is using it correctly. I can almost guarantee it doesn’t mean what you think it means. Calling everyone with opinions on the war you disagree with a Zionist is extremely reductive and unproductive, and at this point is very often be a way for anti-Semites to hide what they’re actually saying. If you think someone’s opinions are harmful you should specify what they said rather than using this shorthand. Please.
Fantastic news. I love Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor, so can’t wait to hear more of her on audio.
David Tennant every two months on audio? Yes please.
Fingers crossed we get both him and Bradley Walsh.
I would like to keep things here pleasant but things she has posted have gone as far as, well, see for yourself.
This is why I made sure to encourage personal research over just taking my word for it. I can assure you her faith has nothing to do with how I view her. The most charitable reading I can give from this and other posts since is that she’s unhealthily overpatriotic, but this sort of attitude just isn’t on is it?
I hope my disappointment that this is one of the people leading development of the 13DAs is understandable, especially after being excited to hear it wasn’t one of the Big Finish staples and instead more recent talent.
Just a reminder to keep this thread on topic please. If you’d like to discuss this further @uss-genderprise and @CrashedOnDido then please do so via private message.
This can and will stop here as you wish, though I do feel the need to ask, are the people working on these releases not relevant?
It’ll be a while yet before we get further news on the 13DAs specifically, but I wonder if the 13th Doctor will be likely to appear in other ranges? Be it appearing in things like The Paternoster Gang, or another Sontarans vs Rutans series. Though I imagine if we get one around the same time next year they’d already have been written before Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill agreed to do Big Finish.
Either way by the time it releases I believe the writers and actors would have already been payed. So you can enjoy 13 and Yaz without worrying about the writer’s/ production views.
Only way I justified picking up ‘I Hate Mondays’ considering it was recorded last August.
Same with buying any Jack Harkness audio too lol. I suppose the money just goes to Big Finish themselves.
Super exciting news! Honestly though I don’t want any other companions; I’d love to see what Thasmin’s interactions would be like with just a season of only the two of them.
There’s a little interview with Jodie and Mandip at the latest episode of the BF podcast. It’s very fun! They sound like they’re having the time of their life honestly lol
I don’t normally listen to these but I’ll have to make a point of it this time. Buzzing for Goth Opera too so I’m sure it’ll be a fun one!
They sound like they’re having a great time!
I can imagine it’s probably only a matter of time before we get John Bishop joining them, because he always speaks very highly of Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill in interviews. I think he even had Jodie Whittaker on his podcast too.
Probably more about scheduling with John Bishop than anything else, because he’s one of the busiest stand-up comedians.
I hope its just Jodie & Mandip.
I imagine these 12 will be just the Doctor and Yaz, which is exactly how I want it! But after that I feel like the doors are open, and Big Finish are supposedly really good for scheduing around other commitments, so post-Flux audios could always be on the table down the line.
yeah I’d love to see other companions (maybe even a new audio only one?? ) in future after these 12
Brian Conley as Graham’s brother.
I think that’s pretty likely too. When she was asked about whether she would reprise the role for big finish at time lash two years ago she said she would love to.
I knew this would only be a matter of time but I’m still surprised it’s this soon. And really pleased! I will preorder the whole bundle, though it’s still a year off yet so won’t be doing so instantly. But it’s a definite buy from me.
The prospect of Jodie at Big Finish is exciting, as it always is when they get hold of a Doctor. The possibilities of combinations of characters (yes, to some extent, the ‘dartboard approach’) engages the fan-brain. Obviously the stories being good is what matters most, but I’m not going to pretend I’m not excited about the possibilities of meeting the Paternoster Gang or River or Martha etc etc, even some multi-Doctor banter for anniversary special releases and the like.
Jodie joining Big Finish is so lovely because she’s one with Tom, with Peter, with Colin, with Sylv, with Paul, with Chris and David and the rest. The Doctors all keep going on and I really, really love Big Finish for that. So yeah, brilliant news.
So we’ve spoken about 13 and Yaz meeting River, but who else do people want to see.
Personally I’d kill for 13/Missy
I do agree, and I would like to add: If a writer has a compelling story to tell, and that’s the motivation for creating further stories, it could turn out well. However, if - and I suspect this is more often the case - the initial thought is to simply include a character because of their popularity, it’s more than likely that the result will not be satisfying.
Imho, quality is always about the story itself. Characters that one might not like can still be part of a good story. However, if the story is poorly constructed, no amount of beloved characters can rectify this flaw.
So, in short: I remain hopeful for the best, while preparing for the worst.