But we have to wait a whole year
I do love the head canon that thirteen is River’s second wife as mentioned in husbands of River song
Which reminds me to follow her arc once I work up the courage to start MR from beginning. Maybe it’d be my first 6th doctor arc.
She uses Jane Smith as an alias in one of the Titan comics
Which one? I should get my hands on this!
The first one with 10 I believe
Very exciting news! I am hopeful on that range, here is hope for some pure historicals! (That’s kinda all I wanna from the range, just give me excellent pure historicals!!)
OMG THIRTEENTH DOCTOR ADVENTURES!!! Things can still go right in this world!
Very interesting. I might pick up the first one or two when they drop, but the bundle is definitely too rich for me. It’ll be interesting to see if the Spy Master or Fugitive Doctor cross over with this series. I think we’re assuming that it’ll be between Series 12 and 13 because Mandip’s the only announced companion. It’ll be interesting to see if more get revealed closer to release. Also, an interesting thing of note release wise is that these are an “every other month” release schedule. So July, September, November, January, March, May, etc.
The huge gaps and that it runs until 2027 is the reason I won’t pre-order. Rather keep the money in the bank earning a tiny amount of interest lol.
I am so excited for them filling in the big gaps in the TV show, where between series 12 and Flux, Thirteen and Yaz have apparently become much closer!
I do wish they were monthly releases but just so happy to have this to get in my ears next year.
I think its going to be like the 11th Doc Vol 3 - 6. A complete ‘missing season’ we can slot in between S12 & Flux.
Imagine Yaz’s reaction to River turning up!
She did say Twelve reminds her of her second wife
As much as I on the Thirteen era, I am excited for this. I’m going to pre-order the CDs at the end of the month.
I noticed the first release for JULY '25 was only recorded on 19th June 2024. Fits in with what BF have said about it typically being a 1-year turnaround for releases.
(Also a plug for Big Finish Release Schedule thread that has just been updated)
I have been over the moon at this news today, though it comes with a bitter undertone.
I’ll avoid posting screenshots here as it’s a sensitive subject, but if you’ve been on Twitter you may have heard that the range’s producer - Noga Flaishon - seems to be a zionist, with more than a few eyebrow-raising things on her own Twitter account. It’s not the type of person I’d like to support, if anyone else feels the same emailing might be a shout. (Following your own research of course!)
Otherwise, this is something I’m really excited for. Some of my hopes are a rematch with Tim Shaw, having Sonya be brought along for a story, a meeting with the Brigadier, the Dhawan Master and his CyberMasters, historical stories and most importantly Thasmin moments! Of course I want a healthy mix of original ideas in there, but I can’t predict what those might be. Jodie and Mandip are going to absolutely crush this, and I selfishly hope their relationship with Big Finish will be a long one.
One of the things this TARDIS team really needs is an episode where it’s just the two of them working through their feelings, one which really taps into the idea of Thasmin and runs with it.
The Thirteenth Doctor needs her ‘Scherzo’ / ‘Broken Hearts’ moment.
There’s a distinct possibility of this happening since Bhavnisha Parmar has done several BigFinish plays over the last few years as different characters, including acting as one of my personal favouriter Twelfth Doctor companions.
While I do have faith that Big Finish will do a good job (and provide that extra draft that some of Jodie’s TV story desparately needed), I’m also hoping we’ll get some more experimentation. While I’ve enjoyed most of the recent stuff I’ve listened to, it does seem that Big Finish prefers to play it safe and traditional these days, treading that line between tradional to the era and over-egging the fan service without also trying new things. (See the reluctance to leave behind fan-favorite companions in the Eighth Doctor run or the lack of new companion or series arc leading to an almost staleness in the Ninth Doctor run.) I’m hoping that Big Finish getting the license to play with the Chibnall era will expand that era in new and interesting ways, but I’m reserving judgement and not getting too excited.