Here is a list of future releases from Big Finish. I will keep this post up to date.
If anyone comes across a specific date, please post it in this thread, so I can update this post.
is a link to the release on the main site. This is added when there is a firm release date.
- 03/9 The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 13: Dominant Species (RELEASED)
- 11/9 The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 08: The Eternity Club 1 (RELEASED)
- 14/9 The Eighth Doctor Adventures: The Stuff of Legend (Studio Version)
- 17/9 The Fifth Doctor Adventures: The Great Beyond
- TBA Dark Gallifrey: The War Master Part 3
- TBA Torchwood: The Hollow Choir
- TBA The Eight Doctor: Time War - Uncharted 1: Reflections
- TBA The Third Doctor Adventures: The Quintessence
- TBA The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 08: The Eternity Club 2
- TBA Torchwood: Widdershins
- TBA Jenny - The Doctor’s Daughter Series 03: Saving Time
- TBA The Sirens of Time Redux
- TBA The War Master: Future Phantoms
- TBA Once and Future: Coda - The Final Act
- TBA The Seventh Doctor Adventures: 2024B (Title TBA)
- TBA The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 08: The Eternity Club 3
- TBA Torchwood 089 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Paternoster Gang: Trespassers 3: No Place Like Home
- TBA The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Deadly Strangers
- TBA The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 08: The Eternity Club 4
- TBA Torchwood 090 (Title TBA)
- TBA The War Doctor Rises 2 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Curse of Time
- TBA The Fugitive Doctor 1 (Title TBA)
- TBA Torchwood 091 (Title TBA)
- TBA The First Doctor Adventures: The Living Darkness
- TBA Zygon Century: Infiltration
- TBA The Death and Life of River Song Series 02 (Title TBA)
- TBA Call Me Master 1 (Title TBA)
- TBA Torchwood 092 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Third Doctor Adventures: 2025A (Title TBA)
- TBA The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 14 Volume 01
- TBA Torchwood 093 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Sixth Doctor Adventures: 2025A (Title TBA)
- TBA Susan’s War: Grandfather Time
- TBA Torchwood 094 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 3.1 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Fifth Doctor Adventures: 2025A (Title TBA)
MAY '25
- TBA The Paternoster Gang: Trespassers 4 (Title TBA)
- TBA Torchwood 095 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 3.2 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Fifth Doctor Adventures: 2025B (Title TBA)
JUNE '25
- TBA The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 14 Volume 02
- TBA Torchwood 096 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 3.3 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Seventh Doctor Adventures: 2025A (Title TBA)
JULY '25
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 4.1 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Second Doctor Adventures: 2025 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.1 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 4.2 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Death and Life of River Song Series 03 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Sixth Doctor Adventures: 2025B (Title TBA)
- TBA The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 14 Volume 03
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 4.3 (Title TBA)
- TBA The First Doctor Unbound 1 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.2 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Third Doctor Adventures: 2025B (Title TBA)
- TBA The Seventh Doctor Adventures: 2025B (Title TBA)
- TBA The Eighth Doctor Adventures: 2025A (Title TBA)
- TBA Gallifrey: War Room 3: Loyalties
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.3 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Eighth Doctor Adventures: 2025b (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.4 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.5 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 5.1 (Title TBA)
MAY '26
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 5.2 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.6 (Title TBA)
JUNE '26
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 5.3 (Title TBA)
JULY '26
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 6.1 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.7 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 6.2 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 6.3 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.8 (Title TBA)
- TBA Gallifrey: War Room 4 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.9 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.10 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.11 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 7.1 (Title TBA)
MAY '27
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 7.2 (Title TBA)
- TBA The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.12 (Title TBA)
JUNE '27
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 7.3 (Title TBA)
JULY '27
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 8.1 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 8.2 (Title TBA)
- TBA Dark Gallifrey 8.3 (Title TBA)
- Call Me Master 2
- The Fugitive Doctor 2