I’ve drawn over 2k Benny series (and Benny oc, and general dw/eu) fanarts over the years, I want to share some of them (to get people interested in this series)!
If you are unsure who the characters depicted are you can just reply and ask
(This is brax)
How many you say? Over how many years???
Some 13ths, the first two pics are for @Kuriru ’s 13 era zine Travel Hopefully! The first pic is the cover and the second pic is my zine piece
13th as lord burner!
7 years , this is what I have on my current iPad! (I also had another iPad before this one, and before that I drew on paper)
Comic done for my friend unincased’s brax fic all gifts (have a price)
And some style tests for the same comic!
Somehow my arts didn’t send… I’ll try again tomorrow (and go to sleep now)
My god these are all incredible!!
This one’s giving me Evangelion vibes which I absolutely love
In a just world all of these would be framed and in a gallery I’m obsessed with the use of black and white and panel structure in the Brax comic !!
OMG a fellow EVA fan!! I see your comparison… I think the color palette is kinda similar to that scene with the giant white Rei head rising up to meet Shinji in the anime?
Thank you!!! I’m really proud of that comic too
Yeeee, that and the soft glow around the angels (Also the angels remind me of Rei in End of Eva)
Art/graphics I’ve done to promote Refracted Lives (the Benny zine that I ran!)
My favorite layouts I’ve done for the actual zine
My zine piece + extra merch!
WOOAAHH IVQ ARTS I HAVENT SEEN BEFORE… so happy to see your art on here you have some of my absolute favorite DW fanart ever !!!
Thank youuuuuu Dante!!! I’ve kinda just gone off the grid to draw yuri after I stopped using tumblr in 2023 but I‘ve also drew some benny fanart during that time!
In 2022 I tried to do an inktober -esque monthly drawing challenge for benny called BStober! These were the prompt list and my entries for it:
D1-3: Mirror
D4-6: Whimsy (my fanart of Oh No It Isn’t! @shauny)
D7-9: Angel
D10-12: Ruins
D13-15: Fire
D16-18: AU (of the rpgmaker horror game IB!)
D19-21: Dream
D31: Free Day (so I drew costumes for the Where Angels Fear trio!)
THE OH NO IT ISNT! ONE MAKES ME CRAZYYYYY i think the whole BStober collection has some of my favorite stuff ive seen from u so far… very inspirational to me
Hi! I know im late to this thread! But ive seen your art via twitter and tumblr and its the main reason i really decided to take a dive into the VNAs (and eventually want to get into big finish benny) roughly a year ago to learn about benny summerfield and those books have helped me a lot in my life, sorry for making it a bit personal but my point is your art is amazing and I hope to see more of it (DW related or not!) Thank you very much! (also Umineko Pfp is EXTREMELY BASED!)
I’m also late to respond because I’m doing poorly mental health wise for the past month… but thank you so much for you response?!! Learning about the Bennys from my friend Holleh’s brax metas seven years had also helped me a lot with my own life, so I’m so happy my art was able to influence you in this way!!
It’s absolutely to be personal since I also think of my art as a very personal part of my self expression, and the conversation that an author and the readers can have via the author’s creations is so valuable to me (just like in Umineko!!! I love Umineko so much !!! I never thought I would see another Benny fan who also liked Umineko besides Liria!!! I finished Umineko last year and it had a profound impact on me…. Also noticed a lot of similarities between Brax and Beatrice, the disappearance of the collection after s11 to me is just like Beatrice taking the cat box with her to the bottom of the sea… I actually have a Brax playwright theory but I haven’t organized it into paragraphs yet, it currently only exists as a thread on my priv twitter…)