Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay here
I also love an old school forum. A lot of the alternatives tend towards encouraging or requiring live chat, and I much prefer being able to reply to things at my leisure…
It is. You’re imagining it.
Um, I mean, WELCOME!
Sometimes, when the stars align, the vortex brings you to the place you need to be. If you’re a fan of DW and enjoy conversation with other people who love it all; from TV to audio, print and pretty much everything else (yes, even collectables) then you have found the place for you. We’re a friendly bunch. None of the mudslinging, unpleasantness or general toxicity that I’ve sadly seen rampant in other quarters. This place IS the best!
We look forward to seeing your contributions. Enjoy!
I am generally pretty used to toxic fandoms, but I got pretty sad with how in the last couple of years the Doctor Who fandom seemed to adopt this behavior.
I never understood that at all. How can a fandom of a show that has change as it’s core premise be so afraid of it?
How can Star Wars “fans” act so much like the empire?
It baffles many of us, I think. Moreover, how can people who profess to be fans of DW, be negative about the very values that have sat at the heart of the show since the beginning? Claims of virtue signalling (hello ‘Nightmare of Eden’ with its none-to-subtle messages about the evils of drugs. How about ‘The Green Death’ with its strong environmental ethic?) and ‘wokeness’ (I mean, really! The Doctor has always stood agàinst the bigots - and rightly so).
No such silliness here.