International Women's Day - The Eighth of March

As it’s the Eighth of March and I haven’t got around to listening to any of Big Finish’s special releases for International Women’s Day, I thought I’d spend some time this weekend listening to a couple of stories from the sets.

Does anyone have any recommendations for good ones to listen to? Are any of the sets stronger than others?


I bought these sets last year on the 8th. Funny story actually, I tried to buy the CDs and it all went through and charged me but then they emailed to say they had ran out of stock, so they gave me digital copies for free!

I never got around to listening to it all, though, so can’t recommend anything at the moment. I’ll definitely be checking them out soon as the women of Who are all brilliant.

Interested to hear what others say!

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I liked the first boxset they did, and the second one but the third one I thought was just a bit average. The highlight for me is definitely the River and Leela story, that one is a lot of fun. Also Rani!!! I can never turn down Rani, and her and Jo getting back together was wonderful. But it’s been a while since I listened to the other stories so I can’t remember them very well.

So yes, overall, EoM1, fun and I enjoyed it; EoM2, was also good; EoM3, I was hyped about the story Louise Jameson wrote but unfortunately I didn’t vibe with either of the stories on it quite as much