If you could choose one story to get a target novelisation, what would you want?

Title says it all really, but yeah, after seeing discussion in the discord about what they can add to the episode, I’d love to hear people’s thoughts

Some rules/guidelines/info:

  • Can’t be a story that’s already has a target novelisation since 2018 (when the new wave of target novelisations started) (link for all target novels HERE)
  • Post 2005 stories prefered (given most of them seem to be of post 2005 stories)
  • You can pick any author that’s worked on a Doctor Who novel before or is the original writer of the story

Edit: I knew someone would try and just pick any author, but didn’t think it’d happen so quickly, edited to make it more clear


Orphan 55, as written by Neil Gaiman?


Tricky, many of my favourites have been done… maybe The Eleventh Hour by Steven Moffat, I’d like to see what extra detail he might sprinkle in there


I can choose ANY author?

I would honestly love to read any novelization written by Stephen King, assuming he’d be interested :smile:


Maybe he could write the 73 Yards novelization?


That would be right up his alley, actually!


Did a thread like this a while ago and I’m sticking with LotSD as my #1 answer because the Thasmin stuff is so great and means so much to me and I’d love to see it get to be expanded a bit. And the actual main plot could use a second chance, since it’s honestly pretty bare bones and boring as is. Never thought before about who I’d want to write it, but probably if not Chibnall and/or Road, I’d say either Steve Cole or David Solomons, since they wrote some of my favorite Thasmin moments in expanded media.


It feels like something he’d tackle. I have read some of his novels, though I generally prefer his collections of short stories.

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The End of Time written by George R. R. Martin.
I am in no rush for it to come out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

More serious answer would be novelisations of Flux with Chris Chibnall working as overall story editor to expand and tighten up where needed :slightly_smiling_face:


Edited because I knew one of you would say something like that author-wise, but didn’t realise you’d do so that quickly


Meme answer: Human Nature by Paul Cornell. Although it would be interesting to have done, could also include those short stories from lockdown.

Real Answer: The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, not sure who by though.
Would also love for some Big Finish to be novelised, though that’s an unlikely dream. Storm Warning or Blood of the Daleks maybe?


Midnight; I think if RTD wrote it he could expand on it but keep it ambiguous.

I think some really cool stuff could be done translating it to text format.


A Christmas Carol would be a good option. I think Moffatt would do a fantastic job of expanding it, but, as he’s unlikely to do another book, perhaps Rob Shearman would have a good angle on it? It seems like a good story with a lot of options to make the various excursions more detailed and add a lot more character background.


Oh come on, now it’s not as fun anymore.

I mean, The End of Time by GRR Martin would be the greatest novelisation never to be published!


Is it cheating to say Flux since technically it’s basically one big story :thinking:

As for who’d write them, idk really. Chibnall would obviously have to be involved to share his notes/plan for Flux (especially the stuff that had to be cut down bc of covid [which wasn’t nearly enough imo]) but I’d love it for someone who’s written for the expanded universe to have a go at it, give it the sense of Scale and Deep Lore it so rightly deserved.


I think this could be very good, done as an anthology and, with any luck, actually resolving a lot of the strands that ended up being stuff that happened, rather than complete stories. Freed from the restrictions of time, budget and lockdown, we could really experience the full story!


I think you can have flux if it’s a 6 novel set


I might be bending the rules slightly here, seeing as how it has already been novelised and the author no longer is with us, but:

Kerblam! written by Malcolm Hulke.

I would love to see how he would handle that - though it might not really be the same story when he was done with it.
I don’t quite see Hulke agreeing with the sentiment of “How people use the system is the problem”, card carrying Communist that he was.


Flux is one of my top 3 stories of all time, so I’d also love to see it get a novelization, though I think I’d just want Chibnall to write it honestly, and there’s not really much specifically that I’d be hoping to see changed so much as I’d just be excited for seeing it in a new format and seeing what they might expand on.


If you haven’t read the existing Kerblam novelization you might want to. It’s still definitely not radical by any means and still fundamentally the same story, but it lands its intended message a fair bit better than the episode IMO and makes clearer that the whole “how people exploit the systems” thing is about “the system” as in automation and is a critique of the company as well and not just Charlie (and also iirc cuts that line completely and sorta replaces it with something that reads clearer)