How do you listen to Audio Dramas?

I love listening to audio dramas and am trying to complete as many as I can - I just can’t get enough!

The only trouble is I get so distracted. I can’t seem to just sit still and listen for an hour or more. And I definitely can’t listen in bed because they send me straight to sleep :sleeping:

So I tend to only be able to listen if I’m going for a walk, doing housework, or am in the car for a long journey (and my other half lets me listen - I don’t drive!).

When is your best time to listen?


Exactly that. Walking to and from work and housework.

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Well… the last couple times I tried, getting distracted and losing track of what was going on was exactly what happened, which is why I’ve been putting off going back to them.

I did manage to get through several before that point, but I’m not totally sure how, now. Maybe they were just gripping enough that I paid attention the entire way through.

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Well, never in bed, because that never ends well. I usually listen during commutes to and from work, during chores at home, or when I go grocery shopping or do other things downtown. Sometimes I listen to them at work as well (I have the sort of job that makes this possible, and I’m a very good multi-tasker).

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I used to listen to podcasts while I worked (doing web development), I’ve no idea how I managed to do that now as it’s far too distracting!

I’ve got one of those therapeutic ball chairs. 45 minutes a day - designated Big Finish time


Part of the trouble with listening while I’m traveling for me is that I used to have lots of travel time because I take the bus everywhere… but now I work at home, get everything delivered, and rarely ever go anywhere.

That’s one reason I do everything on computers instead of my phone, too.


While driving (on my own, the rest of the family are not interested, despite my efforts :cry:), while cooking, while walking, during my lunch break when I get one, and so on.

Listening in bed is a complete no-go. Can’t lie down with headphones on and nobody else wants to hear what I am listening to, particularly at night time.

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I work from home more now so sometimes can listen when working. Other than that its usually when doing exercise (walking or on the exercise bike) or shopping. Always on headphones. A lot more immersive.


I do listen in bed because they send me to sleep :rofl:

But if I do want to listen seriously, I can’t be lying down and still, even in the middle of the day because I will be asleep haha. I have to have my hands busy, but I can’t read anything while I listen (unless it’s an audio I know well), so I try to avoid scrolling social media and instead play mobile games, or more often crochet/sew/embroider etc, or cook and clean and whatever


I can listen just about anywhere. Usually listen while wife’s at work, kick on the surround sound and do some house work or play around with my phone or laptop. I don’t mind listening in bed but sometimes I look at the time and say crap need to lay down hehe.


Has to be while I’m doing something. Driving, dishes, mowing lawn, walking, other chores. If I just sit, my mind wanders and I lose track of what’s going on.


well my commute is nearly two hours long (there’s some walking, two subway lines and a 75min bus ride) so i have plenty of time

i try to listen on the way there and read on the way back


I need to be doing something fairly mundane, but engaging enough to keep me focused. If the job takes up too much brain power I don’t take in what’s been said. Sitting still or lying down mean almost instant zzzs. I’m unable to exercise much so listening while out and about doesn’t work. Also it’s too stimulating if I’m walking and listening at the same time. So the ideal time is when I’m laying out my medication for the month. That generally takes up the time for one audio. So I usually listen to one a month. Given Big Finish’s output, it leaves me lagging way behind.

Some audios that are heavy on sound effects/intensive sound design I find very difficult to follow. I prefer those that focus on dialogue. Thankfully, most Big Finishes do!

I wish I was better at absorbing audio, but I really need to concentrate on it to take it in.


I can listen in bed if i play boring phonegames (mostly candy crush) while i listen. But i mostly listen on walks, when i do chores and when i comute to work.


I’m definitely going to try playing phone game while I listen. It’s a shame there’s no more Doctor Who Legacy! (Totally different topic but I still don’t know why that was taken down!)


That is a shame. I actually have Doctor Who Legacy in my list of Android apps, too, since I did get it at one point, just can’t install it. (I remember it as being fun, too.)

(OTOH, I have Doctor Who Infinity on Steam, and that I could install, theoretically, even if it’s no longer available…)

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If it already ha a plot written on the wiki, I do some drawing on my phone whilst listening, to keep my hands busy. If it doesn’t have a plot, I write it while listening, which helps me follow the audio (But takes so much longer!)


It’s funny, I don’t like phone games, or most Doctor who games, but I liked Doctor who legacy…

Oh hey! I have it still installed on my phone!