How do you listen to Audio Dramas?

I had it and then deleted it before it disappeared forever. I managed to find an apk for it though and now have it installed on my phone. Just can’t get into any of the extra levels including the ‘fan’ one which is annoying because I did pay for that at the time. It does let me into the kids section though.

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Same story here, first app I ever spent money on yet I don’t have access to that anymore

Lots of it is during travel time, or doing menial things at work. I also have cultivated several hobbies specifically to make audio listening easier (crossstitch, jigsaw puzzles, MMORPGs!) It’s very silly but I’ve been obsessed with a steam game called Coloring Pixels. Very mindless, so it’s perfect for listening.


Primarily whilst I’m doing something else physically, like housework or driving. In the summer I like to hike and listen as well.


I listen during my lunch break. If the plot is already written on TARDIS wiki, I follow along with that, scrolling with one hand, while eating with the other as I listen. If there isn’t already a plot, I have my lunch then listen while writing the plot. If I’m ever not writing the plot and listening and not eating, I draw on my phone while listening- I just NEED something to do with my hands!


Housework, walking the dog, mostly. I also find with the longer ones that if I do the same thing I do with classic eps and give myself a five or ten minute break between episodes, it sticks better.

A lot of early Big Finish is dreadful for this though, so easy to tune out when everyone is still figuring out how to give interesting and dynamic performances in audio.


I listen at work. Nights+Being Alone=bliss


The first audios I listened to were Torchwood: the Lost Files, and I listened to them while doing housework. Unfortunately, I was cooking while listening to House of the Dead, so I had to turn off the stove and sit on the floor to cry for a while, so I don’t do that anymore.

I think the best listening experience I had was on the train. I can’t do things on my phone on the train/bus, so it’s listening only. I very rarely take trains alone, though, and my regular commutes aren’t long enough for a full episode.

I used to play games while listening but I find that even the most mindless ones still distract me a bit too much. Now I draw, which is a lot better, especially the colouring part since that often requires less thought than sketching.


Typically I’ll listen whilst playing a game but it has to be the right sort of game where I don’t need to pay too much attention, typically either Minecraft or Hardspace Shipbreaker, especially shipbreaker, game has a great soundtrack I never hear because it is my audio drama game


If the weather’s nice, I’ll try to listen on walks, otherwise I’ll play mindless games or watch asmr-style satisfying process youtube videos (fires burning, marble races, that kind of thing). It’s an annoyingly delicate balance between something interesting enough to keep my attantion but not so much so that it distracts me from the plot


I either listen to them while I’m doing something menial (I.E. cooking, cleaning, or walking outside), or I listen to them in bed. However, I only listen to the audiobook style releases (audio novels, companion chronicles and short trips) at bedtime, as those are more likely to relax me, whereas the full cast stuff requires stronger focus.

When I can’t do any of these things though, I tend to just doom-scroll, or play the Thirteen game.


Ooh, I’ve completely forgotten about the Thirteen Game! Thanks for reminding me, it’s a fun time killer!


No, not the Thirteen game


I’ve never got past Ten


I got Twelve once!!!
I will not divulge how many hours and attempts that took :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I hit Twelve a handful of times too but Thirteen has always been elusive :sob: I wasted so much of my 2020 on that blasted game :rofl:


I almost exclusively listen while driving. In fact the whole reason I’ve recently got into the audios is because I was starting to experience anxiety attacks while driving long distances and needed to find a distraction - and what a brilliant solution it’s been! I am able to focus on the story far better than if I was trying to “just listen” and it has fixed most of the anxiety issues as well.


Top tip from experience - do not listen to Scherzo while driving unless you want to risk crashing…


I listened to Scherzo while drawing as I listen to all my audios these days and I got so little work done because I was just spinning in my chair, eyes wide, muttering “what the ■■■■” over and over again (except for when I was muttering “oh my god”).


I’ll bear that in mind! I’m a long way off getting to it as yet though

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Before my computer decided to have a complete meltdown in January, I used to always stick an audio adventure on whilst messing round on video games.

Usually GTA IV or one of many Command & Conquer titles.

Was slightly worrying if I forgot to turn the game’s sound effects down though - remember listening to ‘Frostfire’ one time only for somebody to bombard by base with Juggernauts and scare the living daylights out of me (‘Frostfire’ is a very relaxing story, for context).

Having the game open gave me something visual to concentrate on. Even just driving round in GTA 4 helped me zone into the audio.