I am looking to simplify the filters on the website - there are currently too many! According to stats, not many of them are ever used.
This doesn’t mean the information would be removed - if for example I removed the “Showrunner” filter, I could replace it with a page that lists each show runner and clicking one will show all their stories (which would then be filterable)… just need to know which ones are useful to filter as you browse the site.
Also any general feedback about the filters, how they work, should they be “AND” or “OR” filters, etc. is useful.
Media and Range
These are important, so I wont’ remove them, but looking for feedback. Media is stuff like TV, Books, etc. Range is things like Doctor Who, Torchwood, K9.
Regarding ranges, I copied how Big Finish categorise things, but am not entirely happy with “The Worlds of Doctor Who” being such a catch-all. What do you think?
This will stay, it’s very important. @SweetAIBelle has asked if I can add a way of filtering for example stories with one Doctor or another, but not both (so an OR filter) - not sure how useful that would be in general.
Companions & Allies
This is staying, it’s important, but it may be merged with the next one:
Monsters, Species and Nemesis
Struggled with this for a long time. It’s not just villains, but any species. A bit too broad. Plans to merge with Characters somehow. Although there will always be an easy way to filter by the top monsters like Daleks etc.
My Stories
Patrons-only feature, which allows you to filter by stories you’ve completed, rated, favourited. This will stay.
Not sure how important this is. It can be useful sometimes, but there’s such a huge list?
Historical Characters
This is fun, but probably not that useful at the moment?
This still needs some work, as the recent import of Comics has meant there are lots more locations that need categorising.
I am thinking of drastically reducing the number of locations here, maybe just the big ones - Earth, Exoplanets, Space, Gallifrey, Parallel Universe, TARDIS, Skaro?
I think this can be removed and replaced with some new pages
There are so many! Maybe this is replaced with a special page. I don’t really know if it’s that useful to have always available?
Same as writer
Time Travel
This is quite fun and not many options, it could stay.
Like Series, I think there are too many for this to be useful.
This is only for TV stories, I think it could go and perhaps be replaced with 3 special pages for Classic, Revival, and Modern Eras.
Added to the site
This is only temporary while we work on the site. I might make it opt-in, under My Account.
Available for free
This is very useful I think, I still need to add my guide to everything available for free.
Story Type
This is useful and there aren’t many options, so it could stay or be one that you turn on and off?
A pet project of mine, very fun, not super useful though. What do you think? Replace with pages?
I think this is too incomplete and silly to keep, maybe replace with pages.
Useful, this will stay
Useful, I think this will stay.
This is already something you have to manually add. It only affects Classic stories.
Viewers and Appreciation Index
Again, you have to add these manually. As they are not good metrics to compare Classic and newer stories, they are probably more misleading than anything. I might remove.
Thanks, let me know what you think!