Hello There

Hi, I discovered this site through a post on Reddit.
I watched all of the classic + new series, and the spinoffs.
Discovered Big Finish three years ago, and currently trying to get as many stories as I can. Also started reading the EDAs recently.
My favourite doctors are 6 & 12, and favourite Big Finish spinoffs are the Gallifrey and War Master series.


Welcome to the forum @yonid42 - it’s good to have you here. Look forward to see you in the discussions.

Welcome. If you’re delving into Big Finish, be sure to check out the Audio Club as we work through the Main/Monthly Range with a new audio every Friday. We’re just starting #8: Red Dawn, today.

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Welcome :blush:

More “Gallifrey” love is always a good thing :+1:


yay welcome! I am also a huge Gallifrey fan, and some of the War Master stories have been some of the best stories BF have put out in recent years, to me.

Also thank you for continuing to prove my corrolation between fans of 3 and 12 :rofl:


I’ll check it out, thanks!

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Oh just noitced that I wrote 3 instead of 6 :sweat_smile:
Although I really love the third doctor (he’s the 4th in my favourite doctors list)…


interesting - but still not going against my (totally scientific) data haha

Wow that’s really cool! Didn’t notice it before, but I think you’re onto something!

I feel totally validated as the three choices I made are the top 3 :+1: (3, 6 and 12)
(ok 10/14 is tied in third place)

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Hi and welcome to TardisGuide. I been enjoying the Gallifrey series so far, finished up the 3rd series last night due to not being able to sleep.

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Welcome! Join us with the clubs as we go through the Main Range of audios and the VNAs / NSAs.