Guess the Serial 37

Here we are again with guess the episode, where you check five screenshots, and guess what serial they are from. Feel free to continue into the bonuses if you haven’t gotten it, and, really, I tend to have some fun screenshots in there anyways.

This will not include anything from New Who; ie: Rose or later. Things like, say, the movie, or Scream of the Shalka are fair game, though I imagine everyone would notice that pretty fast…

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5

The Answer is Four To Doomsday, shots taken from the free version up on the Classic Doctor Who youtube channel!

Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3
Bonus 4
Bonus 5
Bonus 6
Bonus 7
Bonus 8
Bonus 9
Bonus 10
Bonus 11
Bonus 12
Bonus 13
Bonus 14
Bonus 15
Bonus 16
Bonus 17
Bonus 18
Bonus 19
Bonus 20
Bonus 21
Bonus 22
Bonus 23
Bonus 24
Bonus 25
Bonus 26
Bonus 27
Bonus 28

Got that it was Five right away but couldn’t quite get there with the exact serial


This one felt like one that was hard to strike a balance with for me, really. I tended to feel the recognizable shots were really recognizable…


Thought of the right one at three, was sure with the fourth one. Those are some really beautiful screenshots in the bonuses!


Thanks! That’s one reason I was happy to be doing it with the version from the official channel. 1440 x 1080, and you can expand them a fair amount…


It took me two. That set is pretty distinctive.


Yeah, and the characters even more so. I do want to have eventually done all the serials, though, even the more recognizable ones.


I was pleased to be able to recognise it for a change!


Two for me as well :slightly_smiling_face:

But it hasn’t been long since I saw it.:wink: Could tell from the first screenshot that it was a Fifth Doctor story though :slightly_smiling_face:


This one sticks in my memory, for some reason…


Didn’t get it before I gave up. I saw straight away that it was a Five story though! And those are some crispy shots! You’re right about the quality of those YouTube videos!


Yeah, quality was great here, whereas otherwise, the screenshots are from whatever video I have of the serial, and that’s not always good quality. Though these days, if I can, I usually try to get a better quality copies before I do a serial.


Got it in four.


In two :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d say this is quite a distinctive set, and it helps that this is my favourite classic series, so it sticks in my mind.


Three for me. Number three I fond to be very distinctive. Number two was tickling at my memory, but three sealed the deal.

Much to admire in this story. I admit, it isn’t wholly successful but it is full of ideas. I also like the more sedate, almost Hartnellian, explorations and revelations across the first episode. It feels distinctive and yet wholly DW. Adric, though? Not exactly his finest hour!


Got it in three, knew it was Five from the start, but was thinking Castrovalva first and then Warriors of the Deep.


Era in 1, serial in 2.


In two - knew it was probably Season 19 (or possibly the tail end of Season 18) and went for Castrovalva but the recognised the spaceship interior straight away.


See again my having only seen each story once really let me down.

I knew pretty early what story it was, I could say it’s the one on the space ship where they have collected people from different times and one of them is an android or something I think?

But I couldn’t name the story or the season or anything.

Don’t you think the title of this serial is pretty generic? Does it have a deeper meaning that I’m missing?


That is the correct story. In fact, they collected from four different cultures, presumably why it’s Four to Doomsday. Working title for it was Day of Wrath.

While it’s a bit of a generic title, there’ve been plenty of generic titles in Doctor Who. Resolution, Revolution of the Daleks, Day of the Daleks, Death To the Daleks, Power of the Daleks, Power of the Doctor, Day of the Doctor, Time of the Doctor…

One note on this one is that the aboriginals were originally going to speak gibberish, but Tegan was supposed to speak to them, and Janet Fielding, as an Australian, thought this was insulting, and insisted that the dialogue actually be in an actual Aboriginal language. Just an entry in Janet Fielding being awesome…