It’s Guess the Episode time, where I show you screenshots from a serial of classic Doctor Who, you look at them in order, and try to figure out which serial it is!
More “Guess the Serial”, I guess, but, oh well, I already named it…
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5
Answer: This episode is Full Circle, Adric would’ve been a bit of a giveaway in this one!
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3
Bonus 4
Bonus 5
I really need to make more of these. I’m down to one saved draft after this one…
I will admit that I didn’t get this one. Late era Baker isn’t a favourite of mine. I roughly knew the Doctor and time frame, but couldn’t for the life of me get an episode name.
Admittedly, this is one where I felt if I showed Adric, it’d be a bit of a giveaway. Some of the bonus ones are definitely ones I thought of putting in but felt were a bit too revealing. Though the Doctor holding K9’s head is fun…
Oh, I’ll also say that for the sake of mixing things up, I’m probably about due to do some non 4th Doctor ones…
I was not certain but the first bonus gave it dead away for me For I have an encyclopedic knowledge of Romana’s outfits 
It took me 2. I initially guessed Silurians, but the second shot got me on the right track.
Two for me as well. Why did I guess The Invisible Enemy on the first one? 
Hmmm - I’m looking at the first image and I think I know what the story is…
Ah no, second image has given it away.
Alright, so second screenshot for a lot of people. Makes sense, as the location was iconic for the serial; I just avoided the scenes there that would have been absolute giveaways.
And, yeah, could see the first bonus doing it, too.
Same as @Mindfog, got it in two and thought the first slide was Silurians .
Zero, nil, nada for me! I don’t know why, but I thought it was Spearhead from Space from the first two. The second picture makes sense after revealing the answer!
Yeah, the second picture gave it away for me especially since Adric’s introductory scene is him having a swim. First picture my mind just went “cheetos??? Under a microscope??? Microscopic cheetos??”
Late to the party here, but I’m loving discovering these.
Got this on the first image. This was a really easy one for me. Love the Doctor being properly scientific and scenes like this really stick in my memory.
“Full Circle” always a favourite of mine, and elevated further by the lab scenes. The experimentation on the marsh child, the Doctor’s righteous anger, the investigation of tissue samples. Love it!
Glad to hear it. Basically, I was going through playing Whodle, and was really wishing that it covered classic, and I like taking screenshots, so I decided to try making one Whodle for classic, and it turned into a series.
Part of this is definitely me enjoying taking pictures of old classic episodes. It’s also fun taking shots of spots that people might’ve not remembered in between the important bits.
I’ve worried on and off about difficulty, but these days, I don’t worry so much about posting easy ones as long as some of them are hard. I’m generally posting these once a week, though when I make them, I usually make several at a time. One of the advantages of being an admin is that I can create them in a staff drafts category, and then move them to the right place when I’m ready.
In one on this one is impressive. And yeah, this was a good serial. Actually one trouble with doing these is it always makes me want to rewatch the episodes…
Variety makes it more fun. They’re great!
Very nice of you to say so, but to me that was kind of a giveaway (it appealed to my love of science). Different things impress on the brain. We’re all unique. This one just happened to work VERY well for me! 
I know. Such a hardship! 
I really value these. Thank you so much for your efforts here!