@BillFiler clearly can’t read or needs to find his glasses! /j
Thank you very much!
You’re not allowed to use Eleven for such a wrong cause! That’s misuse of Eleven!
I may be somewhat more likely to eliminate something in these last two but that’s really more because I don’t have any strong stakes in these. Most RTD episodes are fine but nothing special imo, and I love the 13th doctor era but I feel like the quality, especially among the ones written by Chin all, is pretty consistent. So I may be more likely to choose to down vote to eliminate something if it’s one of my bottom three or so but really that’s all
Maybe a silly question:
Why was “The Timeless Children” called that and not singular “Child”??
Well, I’d thought there might’ve been more than one Timeless Child, like the Doctor and the Master, but that didn’t seem to be the case, so…
Hiding the plot twist, and also referring to all the different regenerations we saw
It’s a good question I’ve sometimes pondered. Either it’s the fact we see the Doctor as lots of different child regenerations or the Time Lords are the ‘children’ because they’re regenerative powers come from the Doctor.
It doesn’t really make actual sense though.
I think Chibnall thought this as well…
Makes as much sense as “The Hybrid” to me
Maybe The Timeless Children were the friends we made along the way
I can put it to a vote.
- Keep doing the Kills/Assists stats, they’re fun, add something else to the game
- Stop doing the Kills/Assists stats, they’re making the game more competitive than needed.
Note: one vote is just me so I can see the results, it doesn’t count.
So perfect sense then? But yes, I think the title refers to the countless number of incarnations of the Timeless Child that Tecteun slaughtered in order to make Time Lord society.
Why the surprised reaction? Delta and I had a proverbial shouting match about the Hybrid, Hell Bent, and how I think it all actually makes sense.
I don’t know, a surprised reaction on a post about slaughtering children?
Seems a bit apt…
True. Tecteun’s massacre was surprising to learn about.
I do… few episodes make me feel viscerally negative towards them and this is one of them. The only positive I have about it is it is very beautifully shot and the animations are lovely