I need more people talking about “War Room”
If you want more WR talk then I can certainly give you more of that!!
Listened to Freme last night - Leela is SO brave and SO smart and SO I love her. The way she grits her teeth through the pain of the collar to help the Fremians also what is it with Ollistra and putting people in collars?? She puts War in one at one point too ans I jusr know she has Veklin collared…
Then I listened to The Passenger and I wish we’d had more of Vibax. I love a mean immoral scientifically unethical woman I was so sad on first listen when she died
where do people see this range headed? i’ve loved it but i feel they’ve really cornered themselves with the time war sets.
Deus ex Brax (again, again, again) → on the other side of the Time War locked in an alternative universe (again) → shenanigans happen
100% they’re falling into a cyclic trap with the TW stuff because they have nowhere to go with it, and they’re so committed to their continuity which is why Romana is in the matrix… ugh. I have hope for War Room but honestly if WR3 doesn’t have Romana or at least some sort of massive shift to the status quo, it’s back to treading water. I honestly cannot see where WR is going - I think it may have something to do with Rassilon’s scheming, but again they’ll want to tie themselves to the War Doctor range which already establishes that Leela gets ‘lost’ in the war somewhere so she can come back to Gallifrey again. So I reckon that’s how WR is going to end, by tying into the War Doctor.
After that though?
If I’m fully being honest with myself, I think WR might be the end for Gallifrey. Do I want it to be? No, of course not, but with Louise’s continued busy schedule and Lalla’s seemingly waning interest in doing audio, we’re slowly losing the whole purpose of Gallifrey - to be the Leela and Romana show. All I can hope for is for it to go out with a bang.
Beyond WR? If we’re still doing full cast Gallifrey, I think we need to move beyond the War. In my head, the way to do this is jump to the Hell Bent universe. This way Gallifrey a. exists and b. needs work. The General is established as being there so he and Crests (<3) can still be in it, and Romana can have a glorious return as president so we can do s6 all over again but this time the question is how can we rebuild a Gallifrey with no identity in the universe? How do we make it a planet for us and us alone?
Otherwise, I would love to see more short trips. I’d be happy if all Gallifrey was going forward was Seán Carlsen reading me stories. And I’m always always open for the CIA adventures of Narvin and Ace…
afaik its not a lack of interest, she retired and moved to hong kong.
I know, but I’m still holding onto the bts of TW4 whrre she said that even abroad she hoped to still do them
Listening to the end of The Passenger and ourg I forgot how brutal Ollistra and Veklin are in this one… the way Veklin just executes Kelgoth after they Chameleon Arch him… ouch
Very quick thoughts on Renaissance before I continue right on with Ascension, because. Well. That just happened.
I need to study this episode in a lab, this is such a Romana thing to do, what the hell, I love Juliet Landaus voice, I need to study Trey in a lab, the vibes are so weird but I think I like that and well. yeah. I am starting Ascension right now. Endlessly fascinated by this.
live blog
- is that her?
- Romana 3?
- she’s got a beautiful voice
- yeah Romana would do anything for Gallifrey for sure
- love that she still speaks with K9 if he isn’t there
- it’s great
- and also not reassuring re: her mental state
- but we all knew that
- now what happened
- this is so interesting
- also I adore her voice
- I do love how distrustful Romana is
- that is such a Romana reaction to meeting herself
- I adore these little narrations we get this season
- they all have so nice voices
- and they are so delicious in content
- I love when Romana is called Lord President
- oh god she is so affectionate
- that is so weird
- oh she wants Leela’s approval so bad lol
- love the shadows of the Time War here
- the interactions here are incredible
- and the vibes are so odd
- lol Narvin being so unhappy with it
- my 18th favourite job in the capitol yesss he said it
- we have battlestations? Leela’s joy
- she decorated her room for her
- this is giving me all the Leela/Romana moments
- ah but she is still so Romana
- you look tired
- Romana really needs a rest
- I know you would they are so
- I love them so much
- do you like her excuse me
- I have not appropriate thoughts right now
- Leeeeeeelaa adore how she says that
- the vigour of youth that’s not something I’ve ever thought of her
- Trey is so odd
- there’s something up with her
- I think it’s something else than normal Romana weirdness
- Gallifrey isn’t big enough for two Romanas. Oh, absolutely! I think two Romanas might just destroy the universe
- exile her that’s fun
- I wondered how long that would take
- oh I am getting so many Spirit vibes from this
- but it feels so weird
- so this is not a fixed loop but a new timeline
- this feels really manipulative
- something is up with her
- you’ve scrawled all over the statue love this
- it’s so Romana
- you are at your most presidential I love them
- shut up Narvin I’m a bit surprised they don’t tell him that more often
- this is a really creepy weirdness
- what is Trey doing
- this is so messed up
- what the hell
- they’re putting her on trial?
- that’s mewssed up
- what she needs is some proper sleep and therapy
- exile
- that’s messed up
- I did my duty. For Gallifrey I need to study him
- Romana’s relationship to Gallifrey is so
- aragagdsgf
- I love it
- her doctorification is also so
- I’m in love with it
- yes Leela
- yes she is coming
- I love them
- what the ■■■■ does Trey want
- I mean to become president apparently but what for
- this sounds like a fanfic
- which I would enjoy but very much as a alternate thing not in canon
- my place is on Gallifrey yes that’s better
- I’m holding a black hole together with my bare hands* such a Romana thing to do
- annnnd she is trying to kill herself again
- literally holding Gallifrey together i don’t have words for this emotion
- thank you for your support he is so useless sometimes
- it’s the bravest thing you’ll ever do I think maybe she actually understands how much she means to Leela
- Romana is so
- her trembling pleading exhausted voice
- this is so Romana
- oh god Leela’s screams
- oh this is messed up
- what the hell
baby’s favourite number is 18 <3
my fave ep in s6 <3333 Trey is so brilliant I love her
To be honest, I’m not quite sure what I think of Ascension yet. It has a lot of very excellent stuff which I adore, but on first listen it is also very confusing. I couldn’t really keep up with who was in the matrix or not and had to rewind parts a lot to follow the plot. I’ll probably like it a lot more on further listens, because again, it has a lot of really good things.
The dogma virus resolution is very deus ex machina but I suppose it’s fine because we had to be done with it somehow and also it is not actually what this episode hinges on.
Instead, we’re doing Daleks again. I didn’t really like them here, definitely not as much as in Extermination at least. There they felt like a real threat, here it was just too short after the last one I think. You need longer breaks between their appearances, so that you almost forget they can show up, that’s when they work best. Still, Romana tricking them was pretty cool. I was so sure she was going to (try to) kill herself though. Her speech/conversation with Narvin and Leela is pure gold. Though it is very interesting to me, that over her time on alternate Gallifreys and her trust in her friends, Romana does actually appear to have healed somewhat. Not only does she refuse the presidency at first, she also appears to be way more into faking her death than actually dying.
Narvin is excellent in this episode. I very strongly agree that Narvin saving Leela here is much better than him staying in Extermination. Much stronger scene, fits the flow of the episode better. Also. My god is that man dependent on Romana. I adore his panic when he thinks she’s died. He would do anything for her. He very nearly destroys the universe for her.
Leela is also wonderful as always.
Trey is very compelling. The ways in which she is and isn’t Romana is incredible and truly I want to study her. I love her voice, her seductiveness, her mystery. I don’t think I love her yet because I was too busy trying to figure out her deal to think about that but I think that will change on relistening.
live blog
- okay so where the hell do we go from here
- oh wait we’re back in mindbomb???
- weird
- oh no it is later
- this must be so disorienting to Romana
- it is somewhat disorienting to me
- ahahhah Gallifreyan law is so messed up
- Romana refusing the presidency to think we would see the day
- maybe the alternate worlds have done some good for her mental health
- but she’s started to argue technicalities she’s so going to do it
- now what is happening to Leela and Narvin
- and what the hell is up with Trey
- oh Romana has grown
- this is not going to be good for her
- all hail Romana indeed
- I love her
- your senses are dull yess I love Leela
- who is that
- Trey has some evil streaks
- well no one’s perfect
- she is so exasperated at the formalities
- oooohhhh that makes sense
- she is in the matrix
- she has no compassion for them and I love that
- being trapped in the matrix is very Romana too though
- oh K9
- she could very well be making him up
- but maybe
- I hope he’s real
- oh to hear Leela so happy
- I am also so happy
- oh this is so good
- oh they are
- that’s insane
- I did not see that coming
- they don’t exist??
- what is this
- is Trey also a concept
- or what is the deal with her
- okay so the dogma infected where contained with the matrix and now are escaping and it’s going to spread again
- oh shit
- this is going to be so difficult
- oh the ■■■■ does he want
- Narvin will have a fit. Which makes it worth it
- I do not trust that guy at all
- no
- Leela !!
- oh this is deliciously mysterious
- oh Narvin yes
- I love them
- they are very good together
- so what they are planning to just reset everyone
- that’s an interesting solution
- president? you have been busy lol
- from when is the matrix copy
- oh wow
- I did not expect Leela to do that
- what is Slyne doing
- what is happening
- who is doing that
- is it the daleks again
- it is indeed
- Romana’s trembling sigh is so very good
- oh yesss she is terrified again
- it is so interesting how that is really the one thing scaring her
- on an instinctual level
- Trey is very compelling
- what was she doing
- and what does that mean for the matrix is it concious in her
- this whole speech Romana does>>>>>
- I shall protect Narvin for you yessss that is them
- Romana is so going to kill herself
- why didn’t I see this yeah that one is on you Narvin
- because Romana is very predictable
- they’re in the matrix again aren’t they
- oh this is such a Romana thing
- this is just like warfare all over again
- oh this is incredible
- because she did condemn herself to her eternal nightmare too
- she was magnificent
- what has he got
- very worst case I’ll be put in charge but it would be funny to see him suffer
- I don’t think I can go on without Romana such devotion
- she is his everything
- is this what I’m thinking
- what is he doing
- oh the Doctor
- we haven’t seen him in here before
- oh wait is this Genesis of the Daleks
- how did she do that
- what
- oh they are constructs
- Leela is very relatable right now
- because that is very confusing
- oh he is so panicked lol
Yes, agree with everything you’re saying! I’m interested in what’ll you’ll make of Trey in Intervention Earth.
And if I’m quite honest, don’t think I’ve ever truly truly understood what’s going on in Ascension. They reset the populus to get rid of any trace of virus. And then trap the daleks and it’s all better? Yeah idk. Series 6 is a weird one for me because it’s got such a strange tonality to it - it feels very DW s5 in a way, that kind of mystical fairytale vibe. It’s tonally unlike any other series and I think every episode in the set could do with being trimmed 10 mins or so to speed up the pace a little because there’s just so much padding around some truly brilliant character beats.
It’s a series that keeps giving in terms of thinking about it, that’s for sure
I was going to listen to more Ravenous, but fell into the relisten to Gallifrey trap
This morning I’ve listened to “Reborn” and am 15 minutes into “Disassembled”.
“Disassembled” is one of the very best of the range for me Louise Jameson is unbelievably good here. And Colin Baker
Yes!!! Renaissance is my fave of Series 6, and that’s not entirely because Juliet Landau is in it, I swear
I think that fairytale vibe really hits the nail on the head. The way they are just put into situations, the little narrations at the beginning like they’re telling a story (I really love those narrations because they all have such good voices!!) and Trey as a character has a very mystical vibe. It’s a little freaky almost because you can tell she doesn’t really fit with the rest of the characters and you’re trying to figure what archetype she is more than you’re trying to figure out who she is. Is she a hero, a warning, a helpful ghost, a mentor, an ally, a seductress or a villain in disguise? And stories are constantly mentioned in the dialogue too! Narvin and Leela talk about wanting to see the story through to its end, about making a worthy end to their story if nothing else! And Romana is constantly crafting a narrative: she sets herself up as a martyr on the alternate gallifrey, literally becomes a story there, and then she sort of makes up all of renaissance unconsciously with the matrix, I mean she almost becomes the doctor there, running of into the sunset with Leela, talk about fairytale endings! and in ascension it is all tricks and turns and again she receives, makes up a story of sacrifice (which really only works because if she had no other option or was in a slightly worse position, she absolutely would do this), everyone on gallifrey sleeps and ends up basically just having dreamt a lot of what happened? I’m still not sure on that.
It’s so fascinating.
On to “Annihilation”
Those scenes with Leela, Romana and Narvin in the Axis at the beginning are amazing
Leela and Narvin teaming up to give Romana a kick up the backside to get her out of her “sulking”
And Vampires!
Katy Manning!!!
‘That was your plan? Insulting me?’
‘Insulting you is one of the few pleasures I enjoy’
(quote may be somewhat paraphrased it came out of my memory haha)
Realized I only have two gallifrey stories + Erasure left before I will be forced to take a break for a bit because I won’t have access to time war until my birthday
But I just looked it up and they have such long runtimes actually that’s amazing