I’m so glad these audios came out today of all days, as it’s 10 years since my birth dad died which I only found out in August. So it’s been a great distraction listening to these.
The Legend of Baba Yaga. Another great episode, it may feel a bit more traditional Doctor Who in some ways but is so atmospheric - horror/folklore works so well on audio - Jacqueline King is great as the title character. Once again the combination of writing & performance really bring the Fugitive Doctor to life as a distinct version of the character. She has an edge.
Around ten minutes into this one, and it’s good so far!
I managed to squeeze in The Legend of Baba Yaga and I’m very glad I did. Here’s my review but if you want the short version, yeah this is a standout.
Something I didn’t get to mention in my review though is just how quotable this story is. This is definitely getting a relisten so I can transcribe some choice moments for the site. Already got “Hello, I’m-” / “A demon from hell!” / “Close enough.” in there, that’s a little characterisation gem.
Would love to get to discuss this one with people when they get to it because it is so good and while this isn’t quite history, it makes me itch for a Fugitive Doctor pure historical.
Just finished Fast Times and enjoyed it overall, but definitely have a few nitpicks. I think my biggest issue was how much this Doctor still references Earth, when I feel like she should be more removed from it than other incarnations. Her knowing and taking advantage of Earths history, like Oppenheimer, is fine, and probably one of my favorite aspects of the plot, but it kind of took me out of it when The Doctor calls her robot captor ‘Johnny 5’ or compares the TARDIS and Dalek ship to a skateboard and a snowplow. This Doctor just doesn’t feel like the type of character who would take time out of her day to watch Short Circuit(as much as that movie is a masterpiece ) and later reference it. Other than that I really did enjoy it(3.5 stars for me) and am looking forward to continuing the set! Jo Martin is great as always as a more gruff version of the Doctor, the similarities to The Chase were fun and I’m excited to hear more of Cosmo.
My Thoughts About Most Wanted
For the most part I really enjoyed it, brilliant stories, Jo Martin is amazing as the Doctor, and Cosmogon is fab! I think the thing I wish was different is that it didn’t fall into the trap of the War Doctor by making her be too Doctory, that’s what was great about the Fugitive Doctor in Coda, Foley wasn’t afraid to show that this Doctor isn’t Doctory. I think it would’ve been interesting if in Fast Times the Fugitive Doctor left the prisoners who were trapped because she had more important things to think about. And as @wishiwashistan said, not having the Fugitive Doctor be so knowledgeable about the Earth, because this boxset is supposed to be set before Fugitive of the Judoon, and in that story Gat told Lee that she struggled to find him and the Fugitive Doctor because they hid in the far backside of a tiny galaxy, so Earth shouldn’t be somewhere the Time Lords can link the Fugitive Doctor to.
I have a free morning tomorrow, so I’m going to go in open-minded, and give these a bash. If I don’t jibe with it then I won’t listen to any more of the Fugitive stuff.
Okay all these spoiler-tagged comments that I’m dying to read are gonna make me get this box set aren’t they?!
Conceptually I don’t love that they’ve just given her 13’s opening theme rather than giving her her own, but I’ll let it slide since it feels more fitting here than it did with 13.
Overall: good, can’t wait for more, Rochana Patel needs to write more things
Just finished Baba Yaga and I totally agree about the quotability of this story! The dialogue was just great, especially when delivered by Jo Martin and Jacqueline King. This was basically exactly what I want from this range, with The Doctor acting more as a fish out of water on Earth. She knows the history and the legends, but when she gets her boots on the ground she’s totally in the dark, with no idea how to talk to the people or properly survive in the environment. The Division connections also really worked for me in this one, leading to some fantastic imagery of the mid-regeneration skulls repurposed as a defense system for the Baba Yaga. Really hoping for something more in line with the vibes of this story when I listen to Dimension of Lost Things, and hopefully more Cosmo, missed her here.
I have a lot more thoughts about this story but right now I need to sleep or listen to the last story!
Oh my gosh yes exactly! All of this, you get it! I’ll listen to the finale today and I hope you get some rest and enjoy it too.
I finished The Legend of Baba Yaga.
This was not the kind of story I expected we were going to get with the Fugitive Doctor audios, but it was a really good one!
Also, the soundtrack was great!
Going in on The Legend of Baba Yaga… NOW
This was fun. Stronger than Fast Times I think but consolidates the beginning of a proper range for the Fugitive Doctor as a solid foundation. Jo Martin gets to settle in further as the lead of her own run and it very much suits her. If The Dimension of Lost Things is as good then this will have been a strong set to start her own series.
Posted on the wrong thread originally, got mixed up between the two Fugitive ones, my bad.
Maybe the threads should be combined? There’s bound to be a lot of crossover. As long as we spoiler tag any discussion of current BF stories.
maybe but thought a thread per set would be a nice thing to have.
The Dimension of Lost Things. Well this is another winner, 2 Fugitive Doctors! The 3 stories here are all quite different & showcase this brilliant Doctor in very different situations.
Just pressed start on Fast Times! I’m excited!
Well, this was fun. It was nothing too mind-blowing, but it did a good job of introducing Fugitive and the premise. Jo Martin is superb, obviously. Cosmo seems interesting. Fade is fine. The Daleks aren’t really necessary. This is one long chase sequence, but the action and fast pace fit this Doctor well. I also enjoyed how it toyed with the mystery of exactly where in the timeline she is supposed to fit in.
Killing the Daleks with a nuclear blast is certainly a choice - a bit excessive perhaps, but also oddly satisfying.