From the Eleventh Doctor to Big Finish

I am Andrew. I first started watching Doctor Who with the Eleventh Doctor and have been hooked ever since. I kept up with the modern run, barring the latest season, and recently completed the classic run this past summer. I have been diving into Big Finish recently and next up for me from them is Gallifrey. I also have some more comics from Titan to read.



Any reason why you have skipped the latest season so far?

I hope you enjoy the site and discussing everything on the forum!


Various reasons. I skipped the first two episodes, watched the next three, skipped Rogue, and watched the final two. I basically looked at ratings/reviews before deciding to commit. I started with Boom because of Steven Moffat and the next two looked good enough. I decided to watch the finale because of the classic companion and villain. I may get around to watching the other three at some point, but it isn’t a top priority for me.


Welcome! I’m a huge Gallifrey fan and a bunch of other people are here too - please feel free to share any thoughts in the Gallifrey thread as you go along!


I am one of that bunch :grin:
Narvin FTW!

Welcome to TARDIS Guide @mistwhisper117 :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi there. Welcome to the site and forum.

We have TV Club Audio Club Book Club and Comic Club. They’re good places to jump into and give your spicy opinions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If there is anything you want to know about in the site or forum, feel free to ask, and we will point you in the right direction.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

A big welcome to you!
I hope you enjoy your stay!

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