My mom opened my Big Finish CD package today and started enthusiastically recommending me boxsets.
Flipping the pages like, “ooo, a new River Song boxset, you could get that.” Or “ooo, look they’ve even got a book club.”
For reference, I only own Torchwood CDs, and she knows very little about Doctor Who other than David Tennant.
Was just a bit funny how she supports my collecting hobby lol
You know who I would like to come back? Rodan!
Leela should have married her instead of Andred
According to the Big Finish round up thread, BF can’t bring her back because her character rights belong to Antony Read.
Not too surprising. In classic Who, a lot of the character rights belong to the writer who wrote their first episode. Though, of course, given this was a “David Agnew” episode, I could see multiple contenders for the rights…
Honestly I’m a big fan of letting creators have the rights to the characters rather than the BBC
Really? Why? It makes such a mess of things.
I remember that in 2005 it was hit or miss whether they could even bring back the Daleks! The Daleks!
Imagine if Star Wars had to negotiate with the family of a deceased writer every time they wanted to make a movie with a Jedi in!
Honestly, mostly the principle of it
You should have control over the things you’ve made
It’s one of these areas where I have mixed feelings.
I do feel like if you wrote something you should own it.
OTOH, copyright law has become a major mess with things not reverting to public domain for completely unreasonable lengths of time. For example, the song “Putting On the Ritz” was written in 1927, and became public domain last year. I’d like things to be public domain in a far more reasonable timeframe…
If it weren’t for creators having the rights to the characters rather than the BBC, the Wilderness Years would have been a lot poorer for it.
Yes, true.
There are pros and cons I guess.
Don’t forget about the best thing about this!!!
Vampires live their lives by rules – but who polices them? Sink your teeth into VamPD.
Now, this is a stacked cast. More James Goss, and a vampire themed series. Colour me pre-ordered.
Oh so that’s why Juliet Landau was back in the studio… there go my fantasies of a Romana iii return…
A few things from reading the release notes:
- Juliet Landau is a producer on these.
- Each box is 3 hours long.
- They are download only
- Recorded on: 19-21 September and 31 October 2023
- £36 for both sets.
Made me immediately think of this.
It would be interesting to hear more about this part of the story…
“Mr Kirkwood bought it around 26 years ago from a local businessman who had been given it in lieu of payment for a job in the 1990s.”
Check? No. Dalek!