Love the idea of the book, but the £32.20 price tag is ridiculously expensive. No book should be priced that high.
Plague City
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Thank you. I haven’t read it but remembered where it was set. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in a position to look it up.
ankle reveal!
Dysphoria has gotten worse. Maybe I should let go what I think I should do and try to utilize this and read on some transgender theories. ——I’ve always put this off because it can’t be my field of research if I ever got the chance in academia. It’s just too much. I gotta find something else to focus on (but haven’t).
You need those socks for the remaining 27%!
I know. But I also know that I will never be as cool as Millie…
Oh, don’t be so modest!
You’re the coolest Swede on the forum and in the fandom! You are the only Swedish companion in Doctor Who (because surely you’re travelling with @shauny, right?). So that makes you as cool as Millie!
I mean, I’d argue there is logic in Once and Future, having listened to it
There are specific reasons why the various characters end up meeting
Yes - BF promoting their various ranges…
I jest. I know there were reasons but I felt they weren’t convincing enough narratively.
That’s fair lol
I had to buy all the packs for the Doctor Who Comics Creator App to be able to read the TLV comic in the app. Probably not worth it (I have not read it yet) but you can create your own monsters and that is kind of fun.
I don’t think his feminism ever really went beyond surface level, either, to be honest.
Just shows how easy it is to bring down a country. No need for bombs.
God forbid we have another Carrington Event