Finding a Thing I like in every televised Doctor Who Story

Yes, you read the Title of this thread right. While I do love plenty of Who Books and Audios, I am far from finishing some of their biggest ranges, so I am only doing all the televised Stories (and some Minisodes). And after doing some massive Work on a Ranking I was working on, I came to the Conclusion: That even in some of its weaker Outings, there is still something to be found that I find either enjoyable or somewhat likeable. Some of it is of course bigger in some Stories than others, but it’s still there nonetheless there is at least some Gold to be found, so I decided to open this thread. This will probably take a while before I complete it. I think I will go by Eras and Chronologically, so we will be starting with Hartnell’s Tenure. I can’t say for certain how long each Comment will be, I am sure for some Stories I will ramble more than for others!

(Also for Serials we will go with each Serial and not each Episode, the only Exception being Trial of the Timelord, which I will do Chapter by chapter. Not sure how I will handle the revived Show with its Two Parters and sometimes Three Parters).
I also mention that I won’t rewatch every Story for this, while this might be a good Chance for it. I do kinda want to challenge myself and as I said I’d argue my Memory on each televised Story is pretty damn good (for the most part, those which aren’t may get a rewatch).

Of course if anybody wants to participate in this, they are of course invited to do so and can/should use this thread for it. I do recommend going by Season/Series or by a whole Actor’s Tenure.
Any comments on my Comments are of course also a delight to be read for the Future!
Anyway, I think I will come back later to this thread with my Comments on the Hartnell Tenure!


This sounds really interesting!

I am excited to see what you come up with!


Thank you! I am quite excited as well, but then again, it gives me just more an excuse to gush over some of my favorites and maybe even find at least a few things to appreciate about the ones I rate low!


Ooooh this should be interesting! Great idea, RandomJoke!


Reminding me of Toby Hadoke’s Happy Times and Places, where he watches Doctor Who stories, focusing on the positives, and tries to guess what the person who submitted it to him says are their favorite things about it.


Or “Say Something Nice” from FTE’s Brendan.


Thank you it indeed shall, most excited about the stories I rank very low honestly!

I am aware of the former, but sadly not the latter, I must admit this was as I mentioned there not necessarily the direct Inspiration, but now it’s mentioned, good comparison probably!



If you don’t like the Monk from The Time Meddler, you might wanna keep an eye on your timeline… who knows, a stray Metatraxi might rip it apart…)


A great idea @RandomJoke - it’s the sort of approach more fans should have when watching Who. It’s what I love about TARDIS Guide because we all want to talk about what we enjoy more than what we don’t. Too many fans seem to want to hatewatch nowadays. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

(Obviously for Delta and the Bannermen it will be ‘everything except the Americans’…)


Thank you, @DarthGallifrey I will make sure to give it a Watch eventually!

And thanks to you as well @deltaandthebannermen, yeah, I don’t get the Appeal of “Hate Watching”, feels especially weird with a Show like Doctor Who. And don’t worry, I know exactly what Thoughts I have for Delta and the Bannermen, but for that we still have six tenures to go!

Oh, don’t worry, just wait and see (;!


Okay, after a bit of Time of thinking, I think I got it. So let’s start this with the very first Era of the Show, that being the Hartnell Tenure. Something I’d like to clarify beforehand with some Stories I won’t mention all the great Things about them, since with some of these there are plenty to be found in my Eyes. So I limited myself around 2–3 Things at least, especially so I can be fair with the ones where I like them lesser. Again, if anybody wants to join in, they can of course!

Hartnell's Tenure (1963-1966)
Season 1

An Unearthly Child - Honestly, what is there to say what hasn’t been praised? Of Course Hussein’s Directing is superb, of course the titular Episode 1 is superb, of course the Cavemen Material is great (and I won’t hear otherwise!!) So what can I highlight what hasn’t? Well, Carol Ann Ford! Despite having a mixed record of Material given to her televised, I think she can really show off here, you believe she is different. She plays it so well in every Scene she is in. Honestly, a really unappreciated Performance at times.

The Daleks - I really adore what Escape Plan we got from our Tardis Crew. Seeing Ian pretend to be a Dalek feels like a Thing you would get later down the line and not in their very first Appearance, it’s a really nice little Things to this 7 Parter. Also, Susan writing the Letter to the Thals and the Daleks getting confused by her using her Name followed with a Giggle is really cute.

The Edge of Destruction - One of the first and certainly not the last Moment of “Random points out a Moment which is stellar”. This one is a great Serial! But my favorite Moment comes around the End of Part 2. After Barbara confronts the Doctor about accusing Ian and her, we get a wonderful Moment where the Doctor apologize to her.

BARBARA: What do you care what I think or feel?
DOCTOR: As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.

This particular Moment of Dialogue is excellent, same goes for the whole of this Scene. We really get to see the softer Side of the Doctor which slowly starts to come out of him and I think that’s rather remarkable!

Marco Polo -

“I wonder where they are now? The past or the future?”

I am not sure why this Line is so stuck in my Mind, but I just adore it. Marco Polo is excellent, and ending it with this Line in particular is just superb!

The Keys of Marinus - I love the Variety of this Serial, almost every Episode we get to explore a different Place! It’s lovely!

The Aztecs - My favorite of that Season and the true Highlight is how much of a Character Piece it is for Barbara, not only played superb, but we really get to explore her to great Effects. Another Thing I could highlight is the Doctor accidentally getting engaged to an Aztec Woman.

The Sensorites - I really enjoy how much this Serial highlights Susan, we get much more from her and especially her being independent of the Doctor. Carol Ann as always does it so well!

The Reign of Terror - Welcome to the Edition of “Random’s unnecessary highlighting a very insignificant Thing” and in today’s Episode I highlight how marvelous the Outfit of the first Doctor in this Serial is. It suits Hartnell, it suits the Time period, and it really feels fitting in Character for him to wear this. One of my favorite Time period appropriate outfit, easily.

Season 2

Planet of the Giants - The Set Design is marvelous, and I don’t think it’s a hot take to say, I am still quite impressed how well they put off some of those Scenes here. You really feel like we follow our Tardis Crew being shrunk. Honorable Mention goes to our Villain putting the least Effort to sound different on the Phone, we really love a Queen that doesn’t give s*it like that

The Dalek Invasion of Earth - It’s the Doctor Speech towards Susan. Do I need to say even more? It’s an excellent Speech, what more is there to say?

The Rescue - I love the Twist relating to Bennett, it plays so well with the Expectation of the Idea, “Oh that’s just a cheap Alien Costume! And that’s just a regular Guy in it, it’s so obvious!” in a smart way!

The Romans - Excellent Comedy, I adore the Moment when the Doctor pretends to play an Instrument and you hear nothing. It’s splendid because that joke gets followed up sooo good, with the Roman Audience and Nero thinking this was some kind of High Art. My favorite comedic Moment of that Serial.

The Web Planet - Despite being far from perfectly executed, I appreciate the Ambitious Approach and really like how Barbara interacts with the Menoptera, it’s so lovely!

The Crusade -

DOCTOR: I admire bravery and loyalty, sir. You have both of these. But, unfortunately, you haven’t any brain at all.

This Moment, perfect, no Notes, it shows so well the Character of this Incarnation of the Doctor and in general this Line is just excellent, as the rest of the Script of this Serial.

The Space Museum - All the first Episode and really this is not a Surprise, is it? It’s splendid, how it starts, its Executions, its Cliffhanger, just excellent. If I had to look at a different Moment, it would be Vicki’s leading Role in this Serial, which I just really like to see it.

The Chase -

“London 1965!”

Seeing Ian and Barbara reunited in their Time, followed by Vicki’s cheerful Expression and the Doctor admitting he will miss them, is perfect. Especially after him being so against of the Idea of them leaving at all here.

The Time Meddler - Can I just say the Character of the Monk? Peter Butterworth is just superb Casting in the Role, the whole Idea of him is just so good, he interferes for the sake of it, for the fun and for his own selfish wishes, all this gets introduced here exceptional. His interactions with the Doctor and the Monk are just wonderful.

Season 3

Galaxy 4 - Yet another Moment I want to highlight?! How shocking! But this one is really just an amusing one, at this Moment of the Serial we see the Doctor and Vicki together, and she picks up a rock and then throws it. The Doctor asks her why she did that, and she explains it in such a great Way!

Mission to the Unknown - This is an Oddity, but one that works so well. The Varga Plant is such a unique yet remarkable Aspect, I just adore and is my Thing here that I want to highlight!

The Myth Makers -

“I am not a doc, and I am not a god”

is the Moment I want to highlight here, this is the Response the Doctor gives after he corrects Katarina, who recently joined, that he isn’t a God. I think this Moment is so interesting, especially in Hindsight with Incarnations like 7, 10 or 11.

The Daleks Masterplan - A favorite of one and one I can choose endless, should I highlight Jean Marsh’s excellent Sara Kingdom? Should I talk about the Ending with Steven and the Doctor? Should I talk about the fourth wall break? No, I will talk about Katarina’s Death. While Adrienne Hill sadly didn’t get much Material in the Show and is often forgotten, her Character was the very first to die under the Doctor’s Wings, do I think she could have gone on longer? Absolutely. But her Death is really tragic. Seeing Steven how he desperately shouts her Name repeatedly only for her to sacrifice herself and die is such a bleak Moment in an already bleak Serial. The Moment after this where the Doctor honors her as the Daughter of the Gods in small Dialogue is just the Cherry on the Top.

The Massacre - Another favorite of mine, I could talk about how good this Serial is for Steven, but at the End of the Day the Monologue from the Doctor at the End of Part 4 the one I want to highlight. Seeing this Doctor at this ultimate low. Him correcting himself about Ian is truly one of the most heartbreaking Moments we got in this Era. Him wondering if he should get back… all of it is just brilliant.

The Ark - I really adore how this is two Stories, and I think the first Half is quite excellent. Yes, it’s a little morbid but the Idea of a typical Cold being so deadly in the Future is just fascinating to me really. The Monoids also have quite a nice Design, I find.

The Toymaker - My least favorite Hartnell Story, but I really think the concept behind this Story is superb, even if some Ambitions aren’t met. Michael Gough, who plays the titular Toymaker is great in the Role, really.

The Gunfighters - Dodo is at her best her. And really the Doctor’s tooth Problems here are used for some great comedic Expressions from Hartnell.

The Savages - This Serial is a perfect example to see how much the Doctor has grown over time, and I adore this. I adore how much the Doctor is against the Elders here who mistreat injustice people, this Doctor has come a long way from An Unearthly Child and I just adore seeing the Character Growth here.

The War Machine - While Dodo is at her best in the Gunfighters, I think Dodo and the Doctor’s Chemistry is at its best here. I really like the Opening Scene with those both, it feels fresh and almost as if they figured out what they want to do with Dodo. Of course, the Cliffhanger with the Doctor standing up while the others run away as a Cliffhanger is just excellent.

Season 4A

The Smugglers - This one feels like a fresh Start, despite being an penultimate Story. Ben and Polly already brought a fresh Wind to the Programm in the War Machine and continue to do so here. I really like the Moment where Ben and Polly are trapped and convinced this young boy they are dangerous, this is really a witty Moment.

The Tenth Planet - Ending this one of course with Hartnell’s last Story as a Regular. There is a lot you could praise in this Regeneration, its Importance for starter insurancing the Show has a Future. The Design of the Mondas Cybermen, which is still the best, terriyfiying, scary and uncanny, same with their Voices. We could talk about the Regeneration itself which is just a great Effect. Or we could talk about the last Moments of Hartnell, while we have only blurry Footage of it, seeing his final Moments on the Tardis Controls is really heartbreaking, it’s really simple but I really like that Moment.

I am not sure how active I will try to continue with this, but I am sure Throughton will follow soon (unlike Tom/Pertwee, who will probably take a while considering the Amount of Seasons they have).


See, here you come with an insightful thread full of insightful comments!

Superb idea! I’m interested in seeing what you come up with!

Whaaaaat?!? There’s something you don’t like about Delta and the Bannermen?!

Here we go!!!

Ss much as I dislike The Web Planet, I fo agree with this.


Thank you, MrColdStream! I hope it is insightful indeed, even if it falls under my “Hey look there is a Moment I like” Pattern, which happens quite a lot with any Piece of Media, be it Who or otherwise :sweat:

Me too! I am very curious to see how it goes on, especially with certain tenures.
Who knows if I am crazy enough I might try to do it for a Range, would be funny to do it for a Comic Range like the “Show Projector” or “Adventure Comics”, which are very much far removed from Who Ranges that offer a lot if I am being honest :sob:


I love the positive approach! Looking forward to seeing what you write for the other eras!


You liked the Monk… you will be spared


Surprisingly I finished Throughton pretty quickly, unsurprisingly similarly to Hartnell, I have quite a lot to say, probably sightly more than Hartnell. Simply because I hadn’t had the Chance to talk about any of his Stories in the TV Club. So again we are doing a few Elements for each Serial and not every good one, otherwise I wouldn’t be finished until 16 Years!

Throughton's Tenure (1966-1969)
Season 4B

The Power of the Daleks - What can I even praise what hasn’t been praised? The Daleks are at their most manipulative here, I adore how much they gaslight this Colony into helping them. I love how we have a big difference between Ben and Polly, one who doesn’t trust this new Doctor, the other does. There is also the fact that 2 refers to his previous Life in third Person, almost confirming Ben’s Worry of him being a “Fraud”. It’s such an Alien Idea, and it’s kinda a shame this never came up in another Post-Regeneration Story. There is also this Cliffhanger:

DALEK: I am your servant.
LESTERSON: It, it spoke! Janley, did you hear it? It can actually talk.
DOCTOR: It can do many things, Lesterson. But the thing it does most efficiently is exterminate human beings. It destroys them, without mercy, without conscience. It destroys them. Utterly. Completely. It destroys them.
DALEK: I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant.

The Higlanders - A really underrated Historical is “The Highlanders”, not only does it introduce us a Companion like Jamie, who is of course great, but has also other great Qualities about it. One of those Qualities is getting the Doctor and Throughton’s at his silliest. Early Throughton had to figure out how he kinda wanted to play the Role and leaned more heavily into the physical Comedy, which this one being the biggest example of it. I want to highlight a short moment, which I think is just brilliant that being this one this exchange with Perkins and the Doctor:

DOCTOR: Your eyes, man. You suffer from headaches?
PERKINS: No, I don’t.
(The Doctor bangs Perkins’ head on the desk.)
DOCTOR: No headaches?
PERKINS: Well, er. Ow!
(Another thump.)
DOCTOR: Oh dear. You call me a liar?
PERKINS: Well, no, no, no, no. Me head does ache.

The Underwater Menace - I really love this silly Serial! In this House, we believe in the Fish People :fist: !! Anyway, I think the Thing I want to highlight is Professor Zaroff. A perfectly campy Villain, who is plays so well! Of course, I can’t mention him without the iconic Cliffhanger

“Nothing in the World can stop me now!”

One of the very finest! Overall, this one is just fun, campy good fun!

The Moonbase - For me this one does one Thing really right, that being perfecting the Formula of a Base Under Siege, even better than I’d say the Tenth Planet in that regard. I also love the Moment where one of the Cybermen walks away from the Room filled with the Patients, Polly gets a glimpse of it and quickly recognizes it as a Cybermen, despite that design being so different. I am sure an EU Story may have used that to fill in another Cybermen Story before this one, but I just really like that Moment. Honorable Mention goes to Jamie, calling the Cybermen “The Phantom Piper”.

The Macra Terror - This is one of the richest Stories, I could talk about this in many ways. How good the Animation is, how good the Story itself is, but I think I want to highlight the Character of 2 and Ben. The latter being the Companion who gets brainwashed by the Colony. Not necessarily because he is the easiest to get, but as a Sailor he is kinda already used to taking Orders, so him being the one who brings his Friends in Troubles makes sense. Meanwhile, the Doctor here is wonderfully characterized here, the first Thing he does after he has the Chance is to reach out to the Person in this “all happy” Colony, who believes in Monster. He investigates deeper and doesn’t accept No for an Answer. While one could argue The Moonbase was him settling down in the Role, I think The Macra Terror is his first Stories where he shows off how self-aware. He knows he is seen as “an Idiot” at first glance and use this to his advantages.

The Faceless Ones - The Chameleons are honestly super underrated Shape-shifters in the World of Who for me. I really like them. Also, the setting is a nice Change, similarly to the War Machine for the Hartnell Tenure. Oh, and 2 seeing Jamie again only to recognize it’s his Doppelganger by the lack of Accent is lovely. Him telling the Chief of the Chameleons that they did a poor Job on copying him because of it just shows how strong their Friendship has become.

The Evil of the Daleks - Again the Throughton Stories have so much for me to choose from, which I could highlight (is it obvious by now that 60s Who is my favorite Era for the televised Show? Or at least one of those? Probably), but I think I will pick the Drama between Jamie and 2. We really get a more planning 2 who at times can remind you of a softer Version of 7. Him kinda playing with Jamie brings out some intriguing Drama between the two Characters. Also, Alpha, Beta, and Omega the Daleks are lovely.

“Dizzy, dizzy Doctor!”

Season 5

The Tomb of the Cybermen - It’s the dialogue between Victoria and the Doctor, like with Dalek Invasion it’s a no-brainer that really doesn’t need to be explained. I also think the Set of the titular Tomb is just splendid!

The Abominable Snowmen - I really like the setting here, it’s super unique and brings this Story a unique Atmosphere to it. I also enjoyed how adventurous Victoria can be here, for example she pretends to fall ill only to run off when the Chance opens for herself. Oh, and the Yetis here are so adorable!

The Ice Warriors - Oh my! Yet another Edition of Random appreciating an Outfit?! Woah, I totally missed that for the last few Seasons! (Said nobody) Anyway I really like Victoria’s Outfit here, it’s lovely, nothing special but I really like it, I think it’s neat! There is also the Line

“I hate Computers and refuse to be bullied by them”

that the Doctor says here, which is a great Out of Context Line but works really well here and well it’s just amusing really!

The Enemy of the World - I think it’s Throughtons Performances. All of which are different: Throughton has already proven himself to be one of the most capable Actors who took on the Mantle of the Role, so this Story, as good as it is of course, kinda just is more proof of this Statement. When he plays Salamander, Salamander pretending to be the Doctor or the Doctor pretending to be Salamander, you can tell which one is which, since he has so many little nuances in all of his Performances. I am so glad this Story exists in It’s entirely nowadays and could get some reappraisal, this one certainly does benefit from not being missing anymore.

The Web of Fear - The Directing is of course one of the best and really enhances the atmosphere, but I want to take a Moment and bring some Light to a Character I really like here: Anne Travers. For me, she is probably the closet Thing to a Supporting Character in this Era, who could have been a superb Companion. She is played wonderfully and has the Chemistry with Throughton to a tooth. This Story has overall a very strong Cast of Supporting Figures, but Anne really shines a bit more compared to the others.

Fury from the Deep - I love the atmosphere here, easily the BEST from the Throughton Era! The Incidental Music that feels like a slow heart beats certainly adds to that. Similarly, I love how much this Story does for Victoria who has repeatedly being shown as very anxious. Her deciding she enjoyed her Time with the Doctor and Jamie, but wanting to stay, is a perfect Conclusion for her. I just adore how much we spend of the last Episode saying Goodbye to her, I really think people underappreciate how emotional the 60s can be at times, and this is one of the Examples.

The Wheel in Space - Wendy Padbury’s Zoe. She is excellent, just excellent here. In this Serial alone you get the Feel of here and I really think similarly to Carol Ann’s Performance in Unearthly this one is massively underappreciated as well. You really can get the feel that this Woman was trained to be logically, like for example at the End of those Episodes where a dramatic revelation is revealed, and her line just reads as if it was nothing. Perfect stuff. I also really enjoy how low stakes the first Episode of this Serial is, with the Doctor and Jamie just enjoying themselves.

Season 6

The Dominators - My least favorite Throughton Story (yes I will keep mentioning which is the weak point in each era for me, because why not!) So uhh… I do like the Quarks, there Design isn’t too unique nor do they have much of a threading Presence with them, but I just like them. How they look, what sounds they give off. So yeah Quarks good :+1:

The Mind Robber - I ADORE this Story, so much to praise here. Them creating a fictional Superhero from Zoe’s Time and letting her kick his ass is just wonderful to see. Seeing how creative it all gets is a blast, and for being such a last Minute Decision the first Episode is one of the finest atmospheric first Parter if I have ever seen one. One thing I want to highlight here is how they get a different Actor to play Jamie for a short while, when Frazer got sick. Of course, it’s uncanny seeing anybody but Frazer playing this Part, but it works in this surreal World of the Land of Fiction!

The Invasion - Of course, what could it be other than Tobias Vaughn? He is played wonderfully and basically takes the lead for most of this Serial. He is a good Presence for this Story and sometimes outshine the Cybermen here. I also really adore the Design of the Cybermen, it’s much more “an Upgrade”, but works really well, while not as good as the Mondas Cybermen, I really enjoyed their look. Also, the incidental Music that plays in their Walk after they break out from the Underground. I also love Isabel, her and Zoe have some brilliant Chemistry between each other, I really enjoy for example the Moment where they both destroy a Computer and Zoe laugh like a maniac. That’s my girl!!

The Krotons - I know this one often gets praised with Irony and while by no means a genuinely great Story, this one has a lot more to offer than people give it credit for. For example, the directing, especially when it gets more drippy, is really just superb. And hey the Designs of the Krotons themselves is really charming, is it a bit dumb? Yeah. But IDK I like it! Similarly, I really adore this Moment between Zoe and 2:

ZOE: Oh, sit down. And put this headset on. And press the button. Press the button!
DOCTOR: All right, there’s no need to shout! Now go away and don’t fuss me. No, come back. What’s this? It’s all right, I know. Right, fire away. I’m ready.

The Seeds of Death - Gia Kelly, such a strong Supporting Character, she’s brilliant and for me has one of the most important Things that any supporting Character needs that being a strong presence, which I absolutely think there is. Huh, the Throughtons Years had some really stellar female supporting Characters, didn’t it?

The Space Pirates - Milo Clancy. I think there is a craft to a Character being so much a caricature that it becomes entertaining. Milo does fill this Role. His American Accent is bloody horrible, he is very much over the top, but that’s where the Charm of this Character comes. It certainly makes him a strong presence in this Story. Then again, I know people who equally hate him, so he is certainly not uncontroversial.

The War Games - Similarly to the Daleks Masterplan, an Epic with so much to love. Should I talk about the pacing? Should I talk about the Villains, all with their unique Presence, such as the War Chief or the War Lord? Should I talk about the Moment where Zoe throws a Vessel at somebody’s head and claims she thought this was the only way? (If you can’t tell, big Fan of Zoe). No, let’s talk about how good of an ending this is for the 60s Era as a whole. We all love the final Episode, seeing the Timelords here for the first Time is still chilling, and the second Doctor’s Fate is morbid. But I just adore how we see this silly Man defend himself and stand for what he believes, this is a Doctor a lot nearer to what we know of the Doctor these days. If this Doctor didn’t have all his Friends fought through all those Adventures ever since Unearthly then I am sure he wouldn’t defend himself like that. But because he lived through all this, he stands his ground and calls the Timelords out for not doing anything when others get in Danger. He admits he is proud that he takes actions, he as a Rebel stands up against his People and I think this is one of the most “Doctor Who whoever who’d” Moments in this Show’s History. This whole Trial Segment is just superb.

And with that we have now finished the first 6 Seasons and the entire 60s for Doctor Who. Next time we will look at the first Half of the 70s, this one will certainly take longer as I am not as massive on Pertwee compared with the previous two, but it will be fun nonetheless I am sure!

Re: The Dominators

Just thought I’d mention some of the other good things about this one. The dynamics between the two Dominators were pretty good, the intelligence test scene was pretty good, and there was also some great banter between Jamie and the Doctor.

JAMIE: Well it’s simple isn’t it? All we’ve got to do is dig a tunnel through from here to the borehole and catch the seed device thing on it’s way down. Well, it was just an idea.
DOCTOR: But Jamie, it’s a brilliant idea! It’s so simple only you could have thought of it.
JAMIE: Oh. Eh?

JAMIE: Doctor, come on, will ye? The whole place is going to blow up.
DOCTOR: Oh, it’s quite all right, Jamie. The planet is quite safe. There’s just going to be a localised volcanic eruption. It’ll only affect the island.
JAMIE: Maybe so, but we happen to be on the island.
DOCTOR: Oh, my word!